Another week bites the dust...
8:00pm EST - I have just loaded a save and had locks successfully load! It appears the lock bug has been resolved! Note: We are on the main branch of the server code. Thank you Garry!
7:19pm EST - Garry just tweeted me saying there is a new update and locks are fixed! We just updated, restarted and wiped again. I'm currently testing the locks on the latest build on our test server. Will let you know...
7:02pm EST - Just ran the client and server update. We are back up and had to wipe again due to protocol++. Building and placement of sleeping bags appears to be working.
6:43pm EST - A 3.3mb client update just came out. It appears this brings clients to a new version of compatibility. I'm trying to get the server to that version now.
6:15pm EST - The server code is currently running on the experimental branch and it appears most client versions are compatible. We are still having lots of client rejections due to incompatibility (including me). The server has been running well for about 30 minutes now, however, given the state of this build, I expect things to start going hairy quick. Lets see...
5:33pm EST - Server was dead anyway so decided to restart and try the development branch. I can join once again (even though my client is on the main branch) but we have still rejected about 10 clients already for incompatible versions. Looks like there are two groups of client versions out there at the moment (one that got the 11mb update and one got the 14mb verson) both incompatible with each other.
5:23pm EST - Ok, I know this has become a wall of text, but it is pretty fitting for the cluster fuck this afternoon has become. The game is broken (see bullet list below for details). It appeared things were fixed after the patch but the issues came back within an hour of fresh wipe. I will keep an eye out for another patch. In the mean time, I've poured myself a nice big glass of vodka.
5:07pm EST - Restarted, loaded map. Still getting reports of people not able to place sleeping bags. Also, it appears walls over level 2 are invisible for some if not all people. I can't say for myself because my client, as with others, is still incompatible with all servers (both on the main branch and beta opt it).
5:00pm EST - Getting many reports of people spawning in the air around the center of the map. Also, people are no longer able to place things after the server has run for a little while. Restarting, loading map, going to see if building / spawning is fixed.
4:40pm EST - So most of the shit that was broken after the 2:45 client release has been fixed as of the 3:50pm client release. We are still experiencing compatibility issues. The server is running on the -beta experimental code at the moment because no one could connect when trying on the main branch. Most people appear to be able to connect (78 in there now) but I'm still seeing a bunch of clients being rejected for incompatibility errors (me included).
4:23pm EST - There are still compatability issues occurring. We have 50+ people in the server, however, I am unable to get my client version to match the compatibility of the server. I have reinstalled the game and opted in and out of beta. I see a number of people also trying to join the server and getting the same incompatibility error. I am not sure how to solve this one, spawning up and test server to try some stuff out.
4:15pm EST - By the way, there is an imposter server out there that keeps matching our name and slot number. It is normally not a problem because they never have anyone in there, however, when updates like this come out and we're down for a couple, people sometimes join there not knowing it's a fake server. Please check the IP when you look at a server in the browser, our IP starts with 54. Alternatively, paste this in your console: client.connect (this is always listed on the server page).
4:05pm EST - Updated the server code to the experimental branch. People seem to be able to join now.
4:00pm EST - It looks like there was a goof with the launch of the patch. I got an 11mb one and can get into the server, others got a 14mb one and cannot get in. The server code is up to date on the main branch.
3:56pm EST - Ok, there are def some compatibility issues going on. Working on it now.
3:52pm EST - Placing things appears to be working again. I did not spawn with the damage indicator and FPS may be a bit better. I see a fuck load of people trying to connect with incompatible versions. If you cannot connect, restart steam, update the rust client and then join.
3:47pm EST - Holster your pitchforks, new client / server update came out. Wiped again and new seed. If you cannot connect, make sure you've updated your client!
Lets see whats going on here...
3:40pm EST - Ok, client update came out at 2:45pm EST. It was around 260mb and it forced servers to update and wipe. Long and short, the update fucked up most of the game and it is completely unplayable.
Here's the summary of this update so far:
- The new building system and Tool Cupboards are not in.
- Locks are still broken on restart.
- Sleeping bags, furnaces and wood storage cannot be placed.
- Having trouble playing building parts - Can't place: Failed Check: !IsInArea
- Reports of FPS being much lower on this build.
- Reports of spawning in the sky.
- There are more trees (hey, thats nice, right?)
You'll also notice: Damage indicator is stuck on screen when you first join. F1 -> kill gets rid of it. Comes back each restart.
3:26pm EST - Complaints of much more FPS lag on this build. I recommend turning settings way down (if they are not already).
3:21pm EST - Just tested the locks on a fresh server. They are still broken on restart. Same problem as before.
3:10pm EST - This update does not include the new building system, Tool Cupboards or fishing. Testing locks on restart now.
2:45pm EST - A client update just came out on the main branch. Updating server now and restarting. Map has wiped, new seed. Also dropped to 150 slots for stability purposes. More to come on the update shortly.
12:17pm EST - Dusk approaches on another week in Rust development. It is Friday so we all know what that means… Devblog time. The main thing I'm wondering is: Are we going to see an update today?
Our server is still trucking along, we didn't experience the expected crash last night. Maybe it is because our traffic was significantly lower than normal. Maybe something shifted on Facepunch’s end. I'm analyzing my logs and may have some more information to report on these crashes soon (waiting, however, because I don't want to jump to conclusions and report the wrong thing).
In the mean time, lets take a look at the teams progress today...
Garry has been working all week on the construction2 branch and he is still banging out commits on it today. After seeing building upgrades, levels and proficiencies pulled out yesterday, it appears some of those things are entering back into the equation. Specifically, block grades and block upgrading have been added. Also, block flipping and a hammer menu have joined the mix (I wonder what's going to be on the hammer menu?)
When will we be seeing this stuff in the game? That remains to be seen, although Garry has made a bunch of progress this week, it may be tight to get this production ready by end of the day. We did, however, just see a protocol++ which historically shows up prior to a release which forces a wipe. As always, I'll be tracking this as the day progresses and post updates as I have them.
Loot crates
It appears as though we will be seeing some new loot crates in the game soon. Scott has added the files for two new types of loot crates. Will we start seeing these dropped randomly around the map? I hope so, this game needs some loot drops!
Smoke stack
We may also be seeing a new monument in the game soon. Tom has added the lods for the smoke stack. This is one we have yet to get a visual of (that I'm aware of, can’t find anything on the trello pages). Will it be making an appearance in the next update? I wouldn't hold your breath, however, I look forward to more monuments. Additional landmarks make the map more interesting and make it easier to meet up with friends.
Goose is still trucking along on the fishing. Today he has added some sound effects for the fishing rod. It appears we now have the fish model complete along with the fishing rod model, animations and sounds. Looks like we're getting closer and closer to landing that big catch.
Tip of the day: Hazmat helmet
I've resisted sharing this one for a little while now because it strikes me as more of a bug than an intended feature (who knows, maybe I'm wrong). That being said, it has way too much impact for me not to share: The Hazmat helmet protects your head almost completely from bullet and melee attacks. This makes it more effective than any other form of head protection. It also costs the same and provides protection against radiation. Therefore, it is a must have for any Newmans head. Note: all the other hazmat pieces still appear to amplify damage, do not use them unless you need the rad protection. Also, I've added a note about this on our damage and armor guide.