Wipes, context, new building and Argyle Alligator
11:55pm EST - We're still up and running, haven't crashed since last night at 10:30pm. Server population has been lower today given the state of the game and I think, ironically, that could be making the server less prone to crashing. I'll continue to keep an eye on it; looking forward to tomorrows devblog and potentially a big update.
1:15pm EST - Man, this has been a frustrating week for players and server owners alike. We have never had to wipe so often and I really hope some relief is on the horizon. Garry is trucking along still on the new build system (construction2 branch) and it appears he is pushing for a release prior to tomorrows devblog. Lets get into it...
State of the game
I want to reiterate where we are at:
- Servers are crashing daily which force restarts.
- Locks break on server restart.
- Crashed happen much more often after loading a map save.
- Because of this, we are wiping when we crash.
- This has been a daily occurrence since Friday.
- Yes, this is a lot of wipes and it fucking sucks.
- Yes, many servers are just loading the map and dealing with the broken locks and steady crashes.
- I am not playing that game. Solid gameplay is my top priority and daily wipes are currently the best option for ensuring this.
The last crash was at 10:30pm EST last night. Given the past crash schedule, the next crash will likely occur this evening around 7pm EST. When it happens, we will be wiping and you will loose your stuff. If this doesn't fly with you I recommend taking a break from the game or playing on a different server for the time being.
Hopefully a big update will launch tomorrow and this will no longer be the case. We simply have to wait and see.
Server Context
Our server has grown from 40 slots to 160 in the past couple weeks. This growth is exciting and I want to maintain our sense of community as we continue to get larger and larger. To help with this, I have revamped the server page and added a context section. If you play on the server, I request you read it.
New building system
Garry is still heads down on the new building system. This is a complete revamp of the entire way building works and will introduce a lot of changes. The most notable commit today is the stripping out of block levels, building, demolish proficiency and build proficiency. It looks like the first version will be a throwback to a much more rudimentary system and I get the sense they are pushing for an initial release before the weekend. Be warned, a release of this magnitude will result in an onset of new bugs and glitches. I'm excited to see this new system in place and also a little nervous on the initial impact it will have on playability.
Goose is still focusing on fishing. Today he has added the rod animations for catching a fish and catching nothing. Looks like we'll be fishing sooner than later.
Argyle Alligator
Rusts most prolific investigative journalist paid our server a visit the other night to interview people about the state of hackers in the new version. We were honored to have him and would love to have him back anytime. Check out the interviews here:
Start your own server
I've had a guide on how to run your own server ‘coming soon’ for a while now. Spending most of my time writing these daily updates and keeping the current guides up to date, I have yet to prioritize finishing the server guide. In the mean time, there is a pretty comprehensive google doc which covers all the basics of hosting your own server.
Can you spot the floating head?
Tip of the day: Floating heads
The draw distance for players is a bit short at the moment. On top of that, some parts of the body appear are greater distances than others. Specifically, the head. Keep an eye out for floating heads in the distance. If you have a gun or bow and you think you see a floating head, look down the sight and normally the whole body will render. Also, upping your graphics quality (either in the Unity window when the game starts or by typing graphics.quality 1-5 in console) appears to increase the draw distance the higher quality you go.