Rustafied is for people who love Rust

This site exists as a resource for people to stay up to date and learn about the development of Rust

U.S. Servers


High pop, pure mayhem Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

Low Pop

Less people, fewer wipes Monthly wipe cycle Info - VIP


Single players only Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP


Longer wipes, more players Monthly wipe cycle Info - VIP

Long II

More longer wipes, more players Monthly wipe cycle Info - VIP

Long III

Even more longer wipes, more players Monthly wipe cycle - No BP wipe Info - VIP


The sweet spot between main and low pop Biweekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

Medium II

Another sweet spot between main and low pop Biweekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

Medium III

Yet another sweet spot between main and low pop Biweekly wipe cycle - No BP wipes Info - VIP


Groups of 3 or less Biweekly wipe cycle Info - VIP


3.75k map for PvP madness Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP


Small, PvP-centric map Weekly wipe cycle - No BP wipes Info - VIP


Monday wipes (formerly Odd) Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

Small - Monday

Monday wipes, small map (formerly Odd Jr.) Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP


Primitive gameplay, small map Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

US servers wipe at 3pm EST on wipe days (except on forced wipes)

European Servers

EU Main

High pop EU action Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Low Pop

Less people, fewer wipes Monthly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Solo

Single players only Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Long

200 pop, wipes only when forced Monthly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Long II

200 pop, wipes only when forced Monthly wipe cycle Info - VIP


Even more longer wipes, more players Monthly wipe cycle - No BP Wipes Info - VIP

EU Medium

The sweet spot between main and low pop Biweekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Medium II

Another sweet spot between main and low pop Biweekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Medium III

Yet another sweet spot between main and low pop Biweekly wipe cycle - No BP wipes Info - VIP

EU Trio

Groups of 3 or less Biweekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Trio - Monday

Another Trio server for Monday wipes Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Mini

Small, PvP-centric map Weekly wipe cycle - No BP wipes Info - VIP

EU Small

3.75k map for PvP madness Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Monday

Monday wipes (formerly Odd) Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Small - Monday

Monday wipes, small map (formerly Odd Jr.) Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP


250 slots, 3.75k map Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU Primitive

Primitive gameplay, small map Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

EU servers wipe at 3pm GMT on wipe days (except on forced wipes)

Australian Servers

AU Main

Our classic, now in AU Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

AU Long

200 pop, wipes only when forced Monthly wipe cycle Info - VIP

AU Medium

200 pop, biweekly wipes Biweekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

AU Odd

Monday wipes Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

AU Premium

Thursday wipes Weekly wipe cycle - No BP wipes Info - VIP

AU servers wipe at 3pm AEST on wipe days (except on forced wipes)

South East Asia Servers

SEA Main

High pop action for the Asian market Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

SEA Medium

200 pop, biweekly wipes Biweekly wipe cycle Info - VIP

SEA Long

Medium pop, long wipe cycle Monthly wipe cycle Info - VIP

SEA servers wipe at 3pm SGT on wipe days (except on forced wipes)

Our servers can be found on the official server list when you load Rust.

Problem in a server?

Become a Rustafied VIP

VIP's skip the queue and support Rustafied

VIP access allows you to skip the queue and join the server immediately, even if it's full.
Proceeds go to Rustafied's expenses and continued growth.

VIP in no way shifts the vanilla state of gameplay on our servers.

Server Context


I started our first server the week experimental server code was released to the public. The goal was to build a place where people could reliably play this game and see the new things as soon as it was released. was created to answer the questions about the game I was receiving every day in the server. We are run by an independent group of fans and, despite our servers official status, we have no direct affiliation with Facepunch.

Information provides up to date information about the game and summarizes the weekly development. As with the website, I would like our servers to be a resource for people. Given it’s in development, this game see’s new people join every day. Some who haven't played for months are also checking out the newest version. When they join, they often ask the same questions: How do I make walls? Are there rad towns? How do I kill myself?

I know it can be frustrating hearing the same questions over and over. Answering questions is greatly appreciated and pointing people to the guides on this site will often cover most questions. If you're tired of answering questions, feel free not to. Please do not call someone a scrub just because they are asking questions.

Trolls and toxic players

I request you act in a mature manner and respect the other players - even if you are spearing them through the heart.

Rust tends to bring out a side of people I think (or at least hope) they don't normally show in public. I understand, this game is raw and it’s kill or be killed most of the time. I do my best not to limit players actions and allow the game to be played freely in its vanilla state. That being said, if you are spamming chat, causing disruptions, hating on the server or the admins, or just being an overall asshat, your playing privileges will be revoked.


There is a forced wipe in the game the first Thursday of each month. Our servers have set wipe schedules aimed at maximizing performance vs. average numbers of players. In rare occurrences, an unexpected wipe may happen. If that does, please know it was either out of our control or for a good reason.
