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Fixes, hoods, and cuffs

1:00pm EST - Our update preview stream is live!

12:00am EST - It’s been one week since the update and forced wipe and the team is trucking along on fixes and forward progress.

Our update preview stream goes live at 1pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.


As is par for the course after a monthly update, there have been a couple hotfixes released. Here is a summary of what was fixed:

  • Fixed repair bench error when using custom skins (affects modded servers)

  • Fixed vendors not working on fishing village a and c (requires server wipe to resolve)

  • When pressing left shift with wire tool/christmas lights in hands, only block the player belt if you have a pending wire

  • Fixed a case where holding shift and placing seeds after looking at a planter would throw client side building errors

  • Fixed a case where seed flood fill would show incorrect guides when looking at planter behind a building block

  • Barricades placement fixes inside some monuments

  • Fixed some bait items not displaying a max stack size of 1 (UI Only)

  • Fixed items sometimes getting dropped in the world when caught in a fish trap instead of inserted into the inventory

  • Fixed inaccessible Fishing Village NPC vendor, no server wipe required.

Hood and Cuffs

A new game dynamic is in initial testing on the Aux2. The Hood and Cuffs items are still a work in progress, but here are some things we’re seeing:

  • Hood and Cuffs can be put on wounded players

  • Hood covers most of the players view (can see a little out of the bottom) and prevents opening map

  • Cuffs will limit players ability to mount things, however, it looks like there will be a minigame which will allow for escape (and cuffed players can’t f1 kill)

  • People who take prisoners will be able to see the prisoners entire inventory, but can only take things from the belt bar

No word on when this functionality will go live in the game, but given it's in testing on Aux2 this early in the month, I’d say it could go live for the July update. We’ll keep you posted as more comes to light.

Frontier Hazmat

The next Hazmat DLC is underway! A Frontier style Hazmat suit is in the works on a separate branch. No visuals yet, but you can imagine it’ll match the vibe of the other Frontier DLC items.

Diver Propulsion Vehicle

Another new vehicle is in the works this week. Over on the UWSkidoo branch, we’re seeing the beginning stages of this new watercraft taking shape (referred to as DPV - Diver Propulsion Vehicle). No visuals yet, but from the looks of it, this will be a single seater, fast, jetski-like vehicle. Given work just started, we probably won’t get many more details for another couple of weeks. As always, we’ll keep you posted as more comes to light.

Edit: This has been merged into Aux2 and is actually an underwater propulsion vehicle, not a jetski. Here are some more details (all subject to change):

  • Craftable with Level 1 workbench for 75 Metal Frags

  • It is deployed and picked back up like a Boogie Board

  • Runs on Low Grade Fuel and controls similar to Submarine

Other stuff

  • More work in bikes and motorbikes (on Aux2 branch)

  • More work on the Radtown Redux (new, legacy inspired monuments)

  • Can now drag a stack of items onto another item in a container with a lower stack limit to swap them over. The item with too many will split itself and only carry over the amount that fits. The move will only fail now if there's no inventory space for the extra item.

    • Similarly, can now drag-swap admin-created items with more than the usual item's stack limit. The item will be split, but the swap move will now work successfully.

  • Improve the sounds and speed of opening tech tree’s at workbenches

  • More work on traveling vendor