Let's Rock!
6:00pm EST - Charitable Rust 2019 is complete! We won't have the final numbers for a little while now, but initial estimates have us at over $150,000 raised to provide education and build schools for underprivileged kids!! Thank you to everyone who participated!!
3:00pm EST - Our update preview stream and Charitable Rust 2019 finale is live!
12:00am EST - Another week of Rust development, and as we approach the December update (and Charitable Rust winds down) we’re seeing some exciting new content make its way to staging.
We’ll be streaming for 3 hours today starting at 3pm EST to close out Charitable Rust 2019 strong! Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.
Charitable Rust winding down
It’s been an amazing week of events and fundraising for Charitable Rust. It isn’t quite over yet though! We still have our grand finale stream starting at 3pm EST and lasting 3 hours. During this time we’ll play some custom gameplay modes, judge the art competition, do some races, and raise some final funds to build schools for underprivileged kids.
Also, today is your last day to pick up the exclusive Charitable Rust 2019 skins on the item store! If you haven’t already, go grab them! Proceeds of skin sales will go towards charity as well.
I am so moved by the generosity of this community. A huge thank you to everyone who participated through helping build / run events, streaming, donating, buying the skins, and just tuning in. This has been an incredible event, and I can say with confidence that it has raised more than we ever have before. Exact numbers of skin sales won’t be known for a little while now, but we’ll post updates as soon as we have them.
Be proud knowing the funds we’ve raised will positively impact the lives of thousands of kids around the world!
* Any rain was simply for cinematic effect at our ‘concert’. There is nothing planned around weather for the next update that we know of.
Instruments DLC incoming!
Ok, back to Rust development. The first and only Rust DLC is getting ready to go live, and it’s 10 new musical instruments! At the moment, all of these instruments are available to be crafted by anyone on the staging branch. This will remain the case until the December 5th update when this DLC will go live. After that, you’ll have to purchase the DLC to then craft these in game.
With these new instruments, a whole new mechanic for playing music has entered the mix. You can now play various different notes, change pitch and octaves, and even experiment with a MIDI input. These are of course still a work in progress, so don’t be surprised if some of this changes. That said, here’s a rundown of the new instruments, their crafting costs, more details on them, and a shit load of pictures. Also, check out more on the Rust Instrument Pack devblog.
100 Metal frags
Plumber’s Trumpet
75 Metal frags
35 Metal frags
25 Metal frags
Jerry Can Guitar
25 Wood
50 Metal frags
Pan Flute
20 Metal frags
5 Cloth
Shovel Bass
50 Wood
75 Metal frags
Wheel Barrow Piano
200 Wood
100 Metal frags
Junkyard Drum Kit
200 Wood
100 Metal frags
50 Bone frags
Things of note:
This DLC will cost $10 with a launch discount and is available for wishlisting now
Instruments have their own dedicated volume slider in the audio settings (phew)
All instruments are found in the new ‘fun’ category of the crafting menu
You play notes with the numpad keys (1 through 7 for notes A through G - this can be rebound)
‘R’ puts you in full keyboard instrument input mode (this can be rebound)
Keypad ENTER brings notes up an octave
Keypad PLUS makes the notes sharp
You can pick up deployable instruments with a hammer (and build privilege)
You can use midi input by going to options > experimental > midi input on
Acoustic Guitar changes
The Acoustic Guitar, although not part of the DLC, also received some changes this week. Not only does it cost a bit more wood now, but it utilizes the new mechanics of playing instruments.
First person legs
Looking down after spawning naked on the beach on staging will give you a sight you may not have expected. Garry added visible legs in first person, so you can now look down and see yourself walking - and your junk from an angle more similar to how you see it in real life.
Thankfully, Garry made sure to add the censor cube to the leg cock (as he put it) so you can avoid the gritty details of your undercarriage if you so desire.
Read more about this on Garry’s blog.
Admin QoL improvements
Garry is coming through with some great quality of life improvements for admins! Here is the rundown:
Added admintime convar to force local day time for admins so we can finally see during the night! Hot damn!!
Added admin.killplayer (can kill a player of your choice)
Replaced admin.mutevoice/admin.mutechat with mute (mutes both)
admin.mute/unmute applies to sleeping players too
Added admin.mutelist
Print more useful information into the console on player join
Tell everyone on the server when kicking someone because of cheats
Print in console when kicking someone because of cheats
Include the reason in the server restart countdown messages
A huge thank you to Garry and the team at Facepunch for improving on the tools for admins to moderate servers! ❤️
Other stuff
Fixes to horse movement including they will no longer go in very deep water
Tree marker fixes, should no longer move to other side of tree
Fix for see through water when jumping / alt look while on a boat
Fix for eyes clipping through ceilings when crouch jumping
More work on vehicles and HDRP