Minicoptor incoming!
1:14am EST - This week in Rust development we’re seeing bug fixes, fresh artwork, and a new type of aircraft taking shape!
Our update preview stream will go live at 3pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.
Minicoptor on the way!
The newest vehicle to take to the skies of Rust is on its way. Helk has completed the prefab setup for the upcoming minicoptor this week. As we can see from the art work on Tom Butters’ Artstation page, it appears as though this will be a two person improvised helicopter which runs off low grade fuel.
Given this is on a separate branch, information is limited and there are no ingame screens yet. Stay tuned over the coming weeks for more information as work progresses on this exciting new addition.
New camera model
Snapping pics of your fellow Newman will look a bit different soon as the model for the camera is being updated. No longer some janky model from the Unity asset store, this new camera features much more detail and an overall more Rusty look. Still not implemented ingame, we can see some examples of what to expect on Toms Artstation page.
Blood bag art
Tom has also whipped up some nice looking art for the blood bag. No word specifically as to how this’ll be used in game, but it looks pretty cool.
Bug fixes
A couple miscellaneous bug fixes also made their way in this week. Here’s the lowdown:
Fixed sometimes getting fall damage when respawning
Fixed deployable rotation via R key when deploying freely at an angle
Correctly damage parent entity when explosive is attached to lock
Other stuff
More work on the Oilrig monument (still on separate branch)
More improvements to Military Tunnel lighting (still on separate branch)