Wipe day for Rustafied
5:30pm EST - All of our servers wiped 30 minutes ago. Also, devblog 102 is out!
1:45am EST - Facepunch is at GDC this week so there won’t be much of - if any - update today. It is the halfway point for the month though, so all of our servers will be wiping. With this wipe, some changes to map size…
Back to 4k we go
We tried the new default map size (3k) and the general consensus seems to be that is a bit too cramped. Bases build up all over the place, and in no time, you’re rendering so many bases that your performance goes to shit. Therefore, we’re switching low pop and medium back to 4k with this wipe (dev will stay default in the interest of testing).
Low pop wiping also
With the smaller map the past two weeks, low pop has gotten crazy with bases. This has caused performance to suffer so I’ve decided to wipe it today with the rest of the servers. Now that it’s going back to 4k, we’ll attempt to go back to the one month wipe cycle after the next forced wipe in a couple weeks.
What time is the wipe?
5pm EST
New Linux server guide
Given the new support for Rust Linux servers, we’ve started a guide for how to host your own Rust server in Linux. You can check it out here.
Guide updates
We've made some great progress updating our guides over the past week and are still finishing up. Expect a full update on guide progress in the next few days. A big thanks to all those who helped out!