Indoor growing and the return of Xmas
12/17 @ 6:00pm EST - A non-required client and server patch just hit. With it, come small planters, farming bug fixes, and holiday content balance.
8:10pm EST - Server / client update is out!
6:36pm EST - The latest server update is not starting properly... waiting on the devs for a fix. Will keep you posted on @Rustafied as more comes to light.
1:30pm EST - Our update stream is live!
12:02pm EST - Our EU Main and Medium servers just wiped! Update is still pending...
11:05am EST - Another update day is here, and we're not only seeing the advent of indoor planting, but the return of Christmas events!
Or update stream will go live at 2 PM EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.
Update summary video
Check out a video summary of this update from Puddy!
Planters have been added
Indoor planting is now officially a reality in Rust. With two sizes (small and large), these planters allow you to grow corn, pumpkins, and (most importantly) hemp inside your base. Ceiling lights above will help your crop grow faster, and they will yield more resources than the plants which you find outside.
Edit: The small planter didn't make it in due to some bugs. No confirmation yet on if ceiling lights make the plants grow faster, however, there is now a 3x grow rate on planters.
Large Planter
200 Wood
2 Tarp
9 Plants
180 Cloth
Christmas is back!
First introduced last year, Rust Xmas has returned. This daily in game event places presents around every player in the server, with various goodies inside. For all the details on this, please refer to my previous post.
Clothing world models
You’ll notice a lot more world models as of the update today, as Taylor has added a plethora of new ones for clothing items.
AI Progress
Garry has continued his work on AI, making the days of ridiculous animal movements numbered (hopefully). This body of work is taking place on the prerelease branch, meaning we probably won't see it for a couple weeks.
Bug fixes
A whole slew of miscellaneous bug fixes have been introduced this week. Here are some highlights.
- Fixed bear corpse bounds (unable to gather on certain parts of the corpse
- Fixed candle & miners hat not emitting light after initial use
- Set lock bounds padding to same as door
- Fixed waterpipe shotgun transparency
- Fixed a bunch of errors in workshop
- Fixed smoke and c4 viewmodel shadows
- Fixed endless bandage bug
- Fixed flamethrower flickering arm bug
- Fixed water occasionally not visible when exiting caves
- Fixed splat painting