Rock nodes and wipe woes
5:24pm EST - Garry just pushed a server update which has the 'del' command actually delete all instances on the specified object (instead of one). The command to run is, "del autospawn/resource/ores"
1:40pm EST - The update hit yesterday, seemingly without a hitch. Unfortunately, as the night progressed, ore nodes became more and more sparse, begging the question: Where the fuck did they go?
Under the sea
Darlin’ it’s better, down where it’s wetter. Just kidding, the water is no place for a Newman or his nodes. And unfortunately, that’s just where all nodes started respawning, out on the bottom of the ocean. Obviously, this is pretty game breaking, and the devs hopped right on a fix, releasing a required server/client update the other hour.
Although it appears to have fixed the issue of new nodes spawning underwater, it did nothing to address nodes that have already spawned there. We loaded the map on our main server after updating and attempted to remedy this situation manually by dropping C4 on the submerged nodes, blowing them to kingdom come. It quickly became clear, however, that this was an exercise in futility, as there were thousands of nodes underwater on that server alone.
Given this, I decided to rip the band aid off and wipe all of our servers.
Edit: Hearing from other server owners who tried the C4 method - looks like that doesn't work anyway, reports of rocks continuing to spawn underwater. Appears the best option at the moment is just to wipe.
Edit 2: If you haven't already wiped your server, Garry just released an update with a new command that should remove all nodes in one go: "del autospawn/resource/ores"
Code lock fixes
The other issue, which we knew about going into the update, was with the new code lock. Comically large size aside, it was only showing up on one side of sheet metal doors. Both of these things have been fixed as of this update, the size is more standard and it functions properly on all doors.
Hapis: Gimme the loot, gimme the loot!
Launching with the update yesterday, Hapis Island is the first of potentially many static maps. Being a first iteration, issues are inevitable, the biggest of which being lack of nodes and loot. After the fresh wipe just before, the node and barrel counts were very, very low. Further exacerbating the situation, there are no rad towns with loot yet either (there is the airport, but no loot spawns there).
Some may like the difficulty added with such low resources, however, I don’t think it provides anything positive to gameplay at this point. Here's the good news: the devs are attentive to this shit, so we should see improvements in the near future.
Client performance
A common complaint, especially after the release of terrain updates, is client performance. And with good reason, FPS is notably lower across the board, meaning you need a pretty beastly machine to run the game smooth (and even that doesn’t always cut it). I think everyone can agree, continued focus on optimization is important. Thankfully, the dev team is aware of this issue, so I imagine we’ll see some improvements over the next week.
Andre isn't wasting any time, he’s already started on the procgen8 branch. Long and short: This is the next iteration of the procedural map generation slated to launch in about a month. Already he’s fixed some issues with bridges appearing underwater and being interrupted by lighthouses. Expect to see a bunch of commits to this branch over the coming weeks, all furthering the goal of unsucking the environment.
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