New signs, throwables, footsteps, and gate skins
2:00pm EST - It is a fresh week in Rust development and we are seeing a bunch of new content and features! Expect to see all this go live in the update on Thursday (or check it out on the dev branch right now). This update will not force a map wipe (expect that on the 5th), however, some server owners may choose to wipe anyway. Let’s get into it...
Signs galore!
Base and community decoration just got a huge upgrade as Vince implemented a whole slew of new signs (13 in total!). As mentioned in the devblog last week, he leveraged the existing sign functionality to create several new types of signs including: Sign posts, picture frames, banners and hanging signs. Only the portrait picture frame and single sign post are default blueprints, however, the loot tables have been updated so you’ll find other sign blueprints in barrels and boxes around the map. Here are some pictures:
New throwables
After making the rock throwable last week, Alex has continued by making the hatchet, stone hatchet and stone pickaxe throwable. They travel about the same distance as the rock and all yield similar damage: ~30 damage to chest and ~60 damage to head (no armor). Although it seems the animations / distance could still use some work, I’m really excited to see the impact this will have on PvP. Check out a gif here (credit to BlueSkilly).
Andre is continuing his work on footprints. Along with adding barefoot footprints, he’s made sure crouching leaves footprints too. I love the idea of being able to track people based on their footprints, but don’t get too excited, these tracks aren’t always easy to see...
A concept shot of gate skins from devblog 80.
Gate skins
Garry and Vince are working on a branch called, “Gate skins.” As mentioned in devblog 80, this will allow players to customize the look of their high external gates. Does this also mean the stone gate will finally make it in? I certainly hope so. More on this as the branch gets merged into main.
UI scale fixed
After being broken for a couple weeks now, Garry has fixed the UI scale, meaning you can once again change the size of your HUD and inventory screens.
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