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UI Reboot fixes, splitting, sawn off and performance

4:40pm EST - The UI Reboot is live on the development branch. Long and short: It is a tremendous improvement. Now that it’s using Unity’s UI system, it is more responsive than ever. It still needs some work before it’s ready for main of course, and that is Garry’s focus today. He’s banging out fixes and functionality left and right, shooting to get this launch ready by tomorrow.

Escape to the rescue

One very annoying part of the current UI is, when you have your inventory menu up, hitting the escape key opens up the escape menu rather than closing your inventory. This is very counter-intuitive and causes you to have to then close 2 dialogs. Thankfully, Garry has fixed this today, making it so escape gets you out of the inventory view. This also works on other dialogs like the code lock and sleeping bag screen. Awesome!


The splitting system is in today. Here’s a summary of how it works:

  • Right click will drag one off the stack
  • Center click will drag half the stack
  • Click / drag the slider bar then drag the pie chart icon

The slider bar isn’t the most intuitive at first. I dragged the slider but didn’t know how to actually split the stack. It took a couple tries to realize I needed to drag the pie chart icon. I think it would make more sense to have the pie chart just be a click action, or, replace the pie chart icon with the icon of the item being split (along with the quantity below like everywhere else).

Either way, I think we all can agree this is an enormous improvement to the current splitting system.

Sleeping bag dialog

The sleeping bag dialog has been updated. This is what you use to name your bags. Remembers, bags now have a 4 minute timer on them!

Code lock dialog

Garry also updated the UI for the code lock and added some new beeps.


One of the first things you’ll notice when playing on the development branch today is all the metabolism notices in bright red on the right side of your screen. Maurino is working on the metabolism2 branch, likely hooking all this up.


With fresh colors and a small steam avatar icon next to the names, the new chat is looking better than ever. Like all new systems, it still needs some work. Mainly, there is no chat history yet. Also, empty chats are still sending.

New loot container

Andre has a couple commits talking about a new loot container. I have yet to see this in the wild but will post a picture as soon as I get one.


Daniel is still cranking along on the hangar. Here’s the first video of it in action:

Sawn off shotgun

Minh posted the first look at the new sawn off shotgun first person animations. Hot damn! I can’t wait to use this in game! Here's the video.

Server performance

Finally, an update on performance. Our main official server is about to hit 200,000 entities. We’re hitting this mark a mere 3 days since the last wipe. Not surprisingly, performance isn’t good. Normally, I would just wipe it today. However, given there is likely to be an update tomorrow which will force a wipe, I will let it ride out for the time being. If you’re craving a much smoother experience, I recommend you switch to the development branch and try out the new UI on our official dev branch server.

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