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Happy Friday!

4:00pm EST - So, based on the devblog, doesn't look like we'll be seeing an update today. That's ok with me, would rather no update than one which breaks a bunch of shit. Unfortunately, that means we're going to continue to have to live with the mass drops for another couple days. I'll continue restarting the server as soon as it happens to mitigate how often it occurs. And who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and see an update tonight or tomorrow.

3:52pm EST - Devblog is up -

12:00pm EST - Happy Friday everyone! You know what that means: devblog and hopefully an update today! There haven't been many commits from the team yet today and, to me, that is a good sign because it could mean they are tying up any loose ends in preparation for a launch. I'm keeping my eyes on Jenkins - lets see how the next couple of hours plays out.

Weapon refactor

Garry is still working in the weapon refactor branch. Cleanup and fixes look to be the name of the game. I'm really hoping this branch goes live today, and not for the reason you may expect. Yes, improved PvP will be totally awesome, but the fix for these mass drops is also tied up in the weapon refactor branch. If I could go a couple hours without having to manually restart the server due to mass drops I would be sooo happy.

Monument placement differs between clients

Now this is a very weird one. A couple times this week, I've been in teamspeak trying to meet up with others by the satellite. I make the long trek, finally get there, only to find no one around. This was driving me nuts until I realized I play on a Mac and most others play on PC. I finally got a live example of it last night while playing. Met up with someone else who plays on Mac and confirmed we saw the dish in the same spot. Then, met up with someone on Windows and confirmed they see the dish in a different place. Here’s some screens (same location, first 3 on Mac, last 3 on Windows).

This isn't just with monuments, it’s also with the procedurally generated rocks. Also, we've been getting reports of invisible players and I have a hunch this may be related to that too. I say this because some players on Windows said they couldn't see my partner on Mac while I saw him just fine.

I've posted a bug report for this here.

9mm crafted SMG

Scott committed some art for the 9mm crafted SMG. I haven't seen any screens show up on trello yet but will post them when I see them.

Building skins: wood logs

Vincent just posted this shot of the wood logs building skin to trello.

Rad wolves concepts

Paul has created a new card for rad wolves… gross, I love it

Spade AK textures

Tom has posted some work in progress textures for the spade ak. Looking great!

Admin community

Yesterday I posted about a new invite only community for Rust server owners and admins. I’m happy to say we have almost 20 members already and are getting more requests for invites all the time. It already proved to be an asset last night when Steam and EAC was fucking up. We were able to confirm the issue was server wide and communicated a fix within minutes. If you'd like to be part of this, please email with your server information and I'll shoot you an invite.