You know what day it is...
7:05pm EST - Server just had an NRE, had to reboot real quick. We're back up now.
4:15pm EST - A new client update just came out which fixes this wall glitch. A server update / restart is not required. Note: this update appears to have screwed up a lot of ground textures.
3:45pm EST - So there is a new issue with walls: You are able to walk through them briefly when they switch levels. It looks like Garry has already fixed the issue so I will keep an eye out for a server update tonight or tomorrow.
2:45pm EST - This weeks devblog just came out.
2:30pm EST - Code locks are officially working. They even make some nifty little sounds when being used. To deploy simply equip the lock and fire at the door (just like old locks). Then, you can set the code and lock it. If the door is unlocked, anyone can change the code.
2:23pm EST - Note to server owners: EAC was kicking people. If this happens, run 0 to temporarily disable it.
2:13pm EST - FPS appears to be much better. It also appears voice is working again, awesome!
2:10pm EST - Terrain is noticeably more flat. No very tall mountains in sight.
2:06pm EST - Stone hatchet appears to have a new name...
2:04pm EST - I have been trying to replicate the wall glitch and so far have been unsuccessful! Fucking awesome!
1:58pm EST - Confirmed you spawn with a coded lock. The cost of the locks are 500 wood and 50 metal fragments and they can be crafted. Building appears to be a lot faster too!
1:54pm EST - Server is updated and live. We did wipe and we're on a new seed. client.connect
1:50pm EST - Client update just queued! 262mb downloading now...
1:30pm EST - Today we wrap up another week in Rust development. This hasn't been the most exciting week ever due to the nature of the priorities (bug fixes and refactoring) but we did see the creation (and hopefully soon, implementation) of the coded locks. We are waiting on the client update to drop and the team is still pushing out commits to the code. Here’s some highlights…
Exploit fix?
Garry added a new function DontBecomeSolidWithPlayerInside a couple hours ago. There is speculation this is a fix for one of the most annoying exploits which allows people to pop through walls. I don't have confirmation yet, however, I'm not sure what else this would be for if not a fix for the exploit. It will officially make my week if this resolves it because glitchers have been ruining bases and the fun of those who built them for long enough now. I'll be confirming this as soon as the update comes out.
Tree’s halved
Garry halved the tree count today as another step towards increasing the performance around the forests. The team (especially Andre) has spent a shitload of time this week on the forests in game. I'm excited to see the impact all these changes have on performance (especially when running through the woods).
EAC disabled again for Mac / Linux
Earlier in the week Garry enabled Easy anti cheat for Mac and Linux. It appears this wasn't working properly because it has now been disabled again.
Photo credit to Octominou
New ice on menu
Looks like we've got some new ice stalagmites on the menu screen. Can't wait to start seeing these in game!
More animations
Alex has completed a bunch of animations this week. Here’s some of them...
- New gestures:
- Pickpocketing:
- Looting:
- Looting:
- Creepy eating: