Next update sneak peek!
9:29pm EST - I've added the last wipe date on our server page so people have an easy place to reference.
8:30pm EST - Added link to trello card under picking berries section.
8:22pm EST - Small update to our gun guide, the revolver no longer shakes wildly every 10 seconds. Looks like they replaced the idle animation with a more mild finger stretch.
3:10pm EST - The client update just came out! The server is updated and all these features are live. We wiped the map and are trying a new seed. I'm also going to see how we handle 60 slots.
2:20pm EST - FPS appears to be a TON better in this version. Lanterns and forests don't appear to lag nearly as much.
1:30pm EST - It’s been almost a week since the last client update dropped and a whole lot of development has taken place. The next update probably isn't too far away, but I just couldn't wait to see the progress with my own eyes so I spawned up a server on the experimental branch and peeked around. Here’s my findings...
Medical syringe is in
The medical syringe showed up in our crafting menu last week. The only thing missing was the icon, models, sounds and functionality. Thankfully, it is all in now, and it looks awesome!
- Left click - Poke at someone in front of you
- Right click - Stab yourself in the arm
- They have 1 use and then disappear
- ~50 hp healing power on self
- ~70 hp healing on others
- It stops bleeding
- Cost: 50 cloth, 20 metal, 10 low grade fuel
Mmmm that medicine feels good!
The lack of texture kinda works in the snow biome...
New stone hatchet
The new stone hatchet is in (almost). It still costs the same and has the same stats as the old stone hatchet. I can't really tell if I like this new hatchet more yet; at the time of me testing this, the model is still missing it’s texture. One thing I'm clear, the new icon is a shitload better than the old one!
Look at that handsome, rusty bastard!
New monument!
A big round tank has been added to the monument mix. This guy can been seen from far away and looks freaking sweet! You can climb up the stairs on the side but it’s a pain the in ass (you cant just walk up, you have to spam spacebar and wiggle around).
New forests
SpeedTree is officially the only tree (read more here) and holy shit are there some big trees now. My FPS is running much smoother and I'm loving the new looks of the forests. Here's some other shots:
New bushes, maybe berries soon?
The next generation of bush is in. We do have some progress on berry picking animations so I'm thinking this bush will start becoming a lot more interesting in the future. More info on berry picking on the trello card.
That's all for now, I'm going to keep playing around in there and see if I find any other interesting stuff to share. If you have any questions about this new update, feel free to ask in the comments!