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Update time!

12:00am EST - Update day is here and there are several new additions to the game along with various tweaks and fixes.

The update and forced wipe is expected at normal time, 2pm EST (7pm BST). Our update stream goes live at 1pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day. 

Digital Clock

There's a handy digital clock coming your way! This isn't just any old clock; it's a placeable gadget that displays the server time in the easy HH:MM format. You can set up to five alarms on this bad boy to keep your game on track. It only needs 1 power to run and comes with a power passthrough feature, so when your alarm goes off, it can kickstart other electrical devices too. There’s also a mute button for when you need some quiet, plus you can toggle the alarms on and off as needed. Crafting this item will set you back 100 metal fragments and you’ll need to have access to a tier 2 workbench. 

100 metal frags

Craft time
30 seconds

Level 2 required

Power usage
1 power


Rust decorators, get ready to spruce up your bases with some wallpaper! These are a breeze to craft with just 20 cloth and no fancy blueprints needed. Slap 'em on the soft side of your walls to add some flair, but remember, they're not gonna beef up your wall's durability—these papers can be torn down easily. You can still hang your weapon racks and other decorations right over them, no fuss. These stylish additions will roll out as part of a Wallpaper Pack DLC, but there are also some default options for everyone to enjoy (4 vintage colors).

10 cloth

Amount per craft


Craft time
5 seconds

Gas Compression Overdrive

Gear up for a potentially game-changing weapon mod hitting the armory! This new internal mod tweaks your weapon's mechanics by compressing and directing gasses through the barrel. What's this mean for your firepower? Expect a solid +30% boost in projectile velocity and a +20% jump in damage. But, there's a trade-off: it'll slow down your fire rate by 20% and kick up the recoil by 10%. This mod is ready to amp up a range of weapons including the SAR, Custom SMG, Thompson, M39, M92 Pistol, and Semi Pistol. If you're looking to pack a bigger punch with each shot, this mod’s got your back. Just be ready to handle that extra kick!

10 high quality metal

Craft time
30 seconds

Level 2 required

Research cost
125 scrap

Colorblind accessibility options

There’s some awesome news for anyone who's been struggling with color visibility in-game! The devs have rolled out a new colorblind accessibility page in the escape options menu. Now, you can tweak the colors of various elements like tree markers, vitals bars, team UI, and even the holo sight. This update is all about making sure everyone can spot what they need to without a hitch, enhancing the gameplay experience for colorblind players. 

Building error improvements

Builders of Rust, say goodbye to squinting at those hard-to-see chat errors! A slick new toast-style alert system for building errors has just rolled out. This upgrade replaces the old, vague error messages with clear, concise pop-ups right on your screen. Now, when you can't place something, you'll get detailed messages explaining exactly why it can’t be placed. This means no more guessing games—just straightforward, helpful info to keep your building spree smooth and frustration-free.

Dynamic pricing changes

Here’s the scoop on some fresh tweaks to the NPC vendor dynamic pricing! The devs have dialed up the frequency of price updates on those vending machines—now it's every 3 hours instead of the previous 5. And here’s a cool bit: depending on your server's wipe schedule, things are getting even quicker. For biweekly wipes, prices will refresh every 2 hours, and for those intense weekly wipes, it’s down to every hour. All these timings can be adjusted with cvars, so server owners have flexibility to match the market pace for their server style. These changes mean staying on your toes if you want to snag the best deals or sell at peak prices.

Server convars:

Other stuff

  • Various performance fixes

  • Addition of Arabic language support

  • Reduced homing missile launcher research cost

  • Adjusted reload animation timings to eliminate a few dead frames before you can fire

  • Improvements to the in game item store DLC user interface

  • Fixes to junkpiles to prevent underground placement

  • Traveling vendor no longer marks sleepers as hostile should they sleep near the road long enough

  • Tweaks and fixes to patrol helicopter behavior

  • Added a big scary are you sure prompt when pressing the safe mode button in the options menu (with 5 second delay on button)

  • Improvements to horse hitching

  • Improvements to train decoupling

  • Fixed map markers getting deleted when right clicking pings on the map screen

  • Added convar 'global.disable_clouds' to disable clouds

  • Typing “quit grass” into the console will no longer quit the game, the command needs to be “quit” exactly

World update on AUX2

The world update body of work is now available for testing on the AUX2 branch! This includes the most changes to procedural map generation in years including:

  • New monument Radtown

  • Many miscellaneous world gen improvements

  • New rock formations

  • Personal underwater craft (DPV)

  • Revamped Underwater dive sites

  • Better Rivers

  • Unique environment: -> Canyons -> Lakes -> Oasis

  • Waterwell Update: -> black market dealer NPC -> planters which regrow food -> Food cache

  • Legacy wood log piles

  • New weapon - High Caliber Revolver: -> Soon to be added

  • Hazmat Suit Skin: -> Hatchet skin WIP -> Shotgun skin WIP

  • Radioactive Water

How to access
To access the playtest, please follow the steps below:

  • On Steam download Rust - Staging Branch

  • Right-click Rust - Staging Branch on your Steam library, and select Properties

  • Navigate to "Betas" tab

  • Next to "Beta Participation" select "aux02 - upandcoming"

  • Steam will begin to download and apply the update

  • Open Rust - Staging Branch via Steam and play

We’ll have a full rundown of everything in our article and stream next week! In the meantime, here are a couple pictures.

Trio’s back to bi-weekly

You asked, and we listened—our Thursday wipe Trio servers are switching back to a bi-weekly wipe schedule! This change is all thanks to your feedback and popular demand. Get ready for more action, strategy, and time to build up those epic bases. This change starts on forced wipe today.