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Forward progress!

1:00pm EST - Our update preview stream is live!

12:00am EST - With two weeks till the update and forced wipe, work continues on new features and various other things.

Our update preview stream goes live at 1pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the week.

Moar wallpaper

Last week, we got our first glimpse of the new wallpaper feature on the staging branch, signaling a fresh way to personalize and enhance base interiors. Crafting this decorative element is accessible to all, as its a default blueprint and requires only 20 cloth to craft. Building on this, the devs are now adding a variety of new wallpaper variants to staging. These additions will offer even more customization options, allowing players to creatively tailor their spaces with an array of designs and colors.

Digital clock

Players can look forward to a practical addition to their bases with the upcoming inclusion of a digital clock, expected for the September 5th update. This placeable clock, which now sports a more polished design following its initial reveal on the staging branch last week, displays server time in the clear HH:MM format. Players have the functionality to set up to five alarms, making it easier to manage activities and coordinate actions within the game. Requiring just 1 power to operate, the clock also includes a power passthrough feature, allowing it to activate other electrical devices when an alarm rings—an invaluable tool for more intricate base setups.

Wolf AI

Significant improvements to wolf AI and behavior continue on a separate branch. Now, wolves’ eyes glow ominously in the dark, adding a thrilling element to nighttime encounters. These predators also exhibit more natural hunting behaviors, such as fixating on their prey while circling, which enhances their menacing presence. Additionally, wolves now react dynamically to sources of light like torches and campfires, altering their approach based on the player's actions. If a wolf is struck before it has detected the player, it will retreat temporarily, howl to summon its pack, and then regroup to launch a coordinated attack. Furthermore, wolves now spawn in packs, making encounters with them more challenging and realistic. It’s not clear when all of this will go live, but there’s definitely some exciting changes on the way for wolf encounters.

World update

Exciting developments continue unfolding on the AUX2 staging branch, bringing significant enhancements to the game's world. The latest updates include the addition of picturesque lakes, deep canyons, and lush oases. Moreover, developers are now working on river systems, adding flowing waters that further enrich the landscape. Also, the new monument, Radtown Redux, appears as though it will include a recycler for player convenience. A new hazard, radioactive water, has also been introduced; this perilous liquid can merge with other water sources, contaminating them, killing plants, and posing a threat to anyone splashed by it. All these updates are expected to go live with the October update.

Credit to Shelby for the pictures.

Other stuff

  • A fire extinguisher is now being worked on

  • Fixes to junkpiles to prevent underground placement

  • Adjusted reload animation timings to eliminate a few dead frames before you can fire

  • Patrol helicopter will now patrol at 30m or ground height + 30, whatever is higher. This should ensure heli keeps a consistent height above the world when patrolling

  • Fixes to sidecar collider

  • Added a big scary are you sure prompt when pressing the safe mode button in the options menu (with 5 second delay on button)

  • More work on the Blunder Buster

  • More work on the Skidoo (solo water propulsion tool)

  • Improvements to horse hitching

  • More improvements to train decoupling

  • More work on snakes (including a blue viper)

  • More work on player rig updates

  • More work on elevator parenting (allowing things in elevators)

  • More work on the frontier hazmat suit DLC