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Tincan Alarms, Shields, Crocs, and Fixes!

1:00pm EST - Our update preview stream is live!

12:00am EST - As we pass the halfway point of Rust development for the month, more fixes and forward progress are underway.

Our update preview stream goes live at 1pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for update news throughout the week.

Happy Birthday Facepunch!

Facepunch turned 15 years old, and to celebrate, they are offering a 50% discount on all their games, DLC’s, and soundtracks for a whole week! Here’s to another 15 years!


The team is addressing various issues at the moment. Here is a summary:

  • Fixes to some Trike LOD’s

  • Fixed pager no longer being activated when getting on a horse if the pager is in saddlebag

  • Fixed being kicked for flyhack when jumping on ocean junkpiles

  • Fixed missing monument static BBQ prefabs

  • Fixed compression server tags issues by adding commas between them

  • Fixed car doors being destroyed

  • Fixed seismic sensor vibration level not reset when unpowered

  • Fixed boogie board downhill force multiplier so it isn't active while on flat ocean

  • Fixed wire IO errors while standing near deployables

  • Fixed kitchen cabinet and kitchen cooker incorrectly positioned collider in Underwater Labs, Desert bases, and Arctic Base


Rust is expanding its defensive options with the initial development of shields. Currently in the works on a separate branch, specifics about their design and functionality are still mostly under wraps with no visuals available yet. We do know they will go in the backpack slot and be automatically equipped when a valid held entity is equipped (salvaged sword and m92 at the moment). It looks like there will be no ability to aim down sights (ADS) with the shield equipped and players will not be able to throw melee weapons either.

Given this is still in the initial stages of development, expect things to change and additional functionality around the corner. We’ll keep you posted as more comes to light.

Traveling vendor dynamic price changes

We’re seeing some shifts to the economy of the traveling vendor with an update to the pricing dynamics of NPC vending machines. The default interval for price adjustments has been extended to every five in-game days, a significant shift from the previous frequency of four times per day. This change aims to stabilize the prices, providing a smoother transaction experience and preventing the sharp drop-off in prices often seen a week into a monthly wipe. With these adjustments, players can expect a more consistent and fair pricing structure as they interact with the traveling vendor throughout the wipe.

Tincan alarm

An enhancement to low-level base protection is in the works: the tin can alarm. Currently in the early stages of development on a separate branch, details are sparse, but the concept promises a practical solution for early-game security. Based on commits, you’ll be able to set a trip-wire of sorts and then be alerted with a noise when someone triggers it.

As more information becomes available and the feature progresses, we’ll keep you updated on how this fresh alarm system could change the dynamics of base protection. 


Crocodiles are coming, likely to the new jungle ruins, adding some serious bite to your adventures. These aggressive new critters are still in early development, so details and visuals are pretty sparse, but expect some intense encounters. Whether you're exploring or setting up camp, you'll need to watch your back in croc territory. Stay tuned as we learn more about these fierce additions to the jungle scene!

Other stuff

  • Cliffs rework progress continues

  • More work on the Frontier Hazmat DLC

  • Added fire mode switch sound to the rest of the guns

  • More work on cloth material testing

  • An iteration on the wolf AI

  • Getting on a horse with a pager in the saddlebag will no longer cause it to activate

  • More work on the Radtown redux monument

  • Some updates to player rigging

  • Double elevator max floor limit

  • More work on Skiidoo

  • Some shifts to bike steering to make it more responsive

  • Harbor shipping containers now allow vehicle movement onto cargoship by parenting vehicle

  • More work on the new Jungle Ruins monument

  • Initial work on some underwater dive sites (new monument / point of interest)

  • More work on crude gestures

  • More work on motorbike burnouts

Rustafied server shifts

With the Thursday wipes this week, we are launching some changes to our server line up. Here are the details:

Trio’s to weekly wipes
Due to popular demand, we are switching the map wipe cycle for our US and EU Trio servers to weekly. They will wipe at 3pm local time each Thursday going forward.

Zenlabs is now Mini
Our Zenlabs servers were originally branded as a testing ground for the custom map making scene. Unfortunately, custom map making is not in the best place at the moment (stability issues, etc.) so we switched to smaller, procgen maps. Thing is, no one knows what the fuck Zenlabs stands for, so we’re switching it to Rustafied Mini to more clearly communicate the intention of the server. These will continue to be weekly wipe with blueprint wipes only when forced.