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Update time!

2:00pm EST - Our update stream is live!

12:00am EST - Update day has arrived, and with it, a fresh DLC, rail network links, rads at Oil Rig, and more!

The update is expected to hit at 3pm EDT / 7pm GMT (note: times are wonky this week because the UK changed time and the US hasn’t yet). Our update stream goes live at 2pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.

Charitable Rust update: Over $228,000 raised so far!

I’m very happy to announce that Facepunch has donated their portion of the skin sales to the Charitable Rust 2023 Tiltify campaign, bringing the total raised so far to over $228,000! And it doesn’t stop there! We’re still waiting on our portion of the skin sales to be dispersed by Steam, so we’ll update everyone on the final number in a couple weeks when the funds come down. A huge thank you to everyone involved in helping raise such a huge amount for charity: water!

Frontier Base Decor DLC

A new DLC goes live with the update and it features a slew of nifty new items to decorate your base. With an old-timey theme across the board, the Frontier Base Decor DLC includes a variety of items including barrel storage, wanted posters, hunting trophies, new planters, rocking chairs, and more! 

No word on the price point yet, but expect to see it on the item store around when the update launches.

Edit: Word is the mirrors have been removed from the Frontier DLC due to performance issues.

Rail network links

The above and below ground rail networks are now linked together as of this update! Thanks to these new rail network links, players will be able to travel between the rail levels on trains and work carts like never before. These straightforward additions are basically just two-way sloped tunnels. You’ll find roughly 2 of them on each map (marked with a tunnel icon).

Oil Rig radiation

For a while, some players have camped Oil Rigs to stop the hacked crate from spawning. In an attempt to stop this, radiation has been added to Oil Rigs with this update. As it stands, radiation will start 45 minutes after the crate starts being hacked. From there, the rads ramp up to 100 over 5 minutes.

Wire tool QoL

Electricians of Rust rejoice at this update as the Wire tool has been reworked, allowing for some more flexibility with placement. Specifically, the Wire tool now saves the current wire when unequipping it. This should allow more complex wire placements to be more easily and precisely placed.

Horse changes

Equipping horses post-update will be a bit different as some changes are coming in. First, the UI has been split between the 4 equipment slots and storage. To access storage, you now must hold E while looking at the horse and select the ‘loot’ option. Second, saddle bags have once again been increased to 12 slots each. This means you can now store 48 items on horseback, although it’ll be a very slow horse.

Other stuff

  • So long, Halloween! The Rust Halloween event is now disabled

  • Items dropped in vehicles no longer fall through the bottom!

  • Observer Island map is on certain Facepunch servers

  • You can now unload ammo from weapons while they are in storage boxes

  • Players can now pick up planters (if they are empty)

  • Added 4th slot to m39 so you can attach scope + muzzle + laser + extended mag