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Basey McDefense 2: Electric Boogaloo

12:00am EST - It’s a fresh month for Rust development, and we’re off to an electrifying start.

Our update preview stream goes live at 3pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.

Tesla Coil added

A new form of base defense has arrived and it’s a shocker! The Tesla Coil is a small electronic device which can be placed most anywhere around a base.

When power is running through it (via the single power input), the Coil will slow down and shock anyone within a little over a foundations distance of it. The amount of damage dealt is directly related to the amount of power running to it. This allows it to be anything from a tickle monster to a Topsy death machine.

Costing 10 High Quality Metal and 1 Tech Trash, this new device has decent durability (250hp) and stands to be a thorn in the side of all offline raiders. Current damage stats have it requiring a decent amount of firepower to destroy (i.e. 50 556, 25 explosive 556, or 5 F1 grenades). Also, it loses durability quickly while it is active (~2hp lost per second of run time).

Don’t get too caught up on the numbers quite yet though, things are very likely to change prior to the update.

Tesla Coil

Crafting time
30 seconds

Level 1 required

10 high quality metal
1 tech trash

Research cost
20 scrap

Damage @ 6 power
1hp per second

Damage @ 100 power
25hp per second

Crafting improvements

Adam is working on a series of improvements to the crafting process. Along with some reorganization (such as adding an electrical category), he’s adding new features such as favorites. He’s also making some quality of life improvements, like the ability to right click an item in the crafting queue to fast track it to the start of the queue.

This work is still on a separate branch, but stay tuned for all the details once it’s merged into staging.

Edit: Crafting improvements have been merged in. We now have favorites and some other improvements. More info on this coming soon.

Electrical wire direction indicators

Electrical work has gotten a bit easier this week as Helk added new directional indicators. Appearing when you have the wire tool out (and building privilege) these white lines move in the direction which the power is flowing. This makes wiring complex circuits much easier than before.

Screen settings improvements

Adam is also working on some enhancements to the screen settings menu added last week. As mentioned in the devblog, he’s already added the option to set exclusive, borderless, and windowed modes. 

Expect this and more to come with the next update on October 3rd.

Edit: The screen setting improvements have been merged in.

Player preview spin

The player preview display in the tab menu will soon be more dazzling as Adam is adding a spin feature. This is also on a separate branch at the moment.

Edit: This is now in too!

Vehicles progress

Bill continues his work on the vehicles branch. As you may recall, this body of work represents a whole slew of new modular transport on the horizon. The focus this week appears to be on having various modules communicate with each other when they are connected. He’s also tweaked some physics and audio.

As with much of the other active projects, this work is still on a separate branch, so no visuals quite yet. Expect more in the coming weeks.

Instruments progress

Thai continues banging along on the instruments branch. Working mainly on drums and piano this week, he’s creeping closer to having a whole orchestra in Rust as reality.

Other stuff

  • Helicopter optimizations

  • More HDRP progress

  • Skeleton optimizations