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Compound fixes and improvements

3:00pm EST - Our update preview stream is live!

12:00am EST - After the big update last week, we’re seeing some small fixes and improvements to the new Compound monument. Most of these changes already went live yesterday with an optional server update.

They don't require much explanation - and that I’m still a bit jet lagged from vacation anyway - so here's a bullet list of the changes. I’ll add to this post if more information becomes available.

We'll do a short update preview stream at 3pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.

  • The CH47 now takes safety zones into account when considering targets
  • Another Compound out of bounds fix
  • Small hostility check optimization for Scientists
  • NPC turrets no longer allow any other type of NPC close to the Compound, other than Scientists
  • Compound NPC now treat animals as hostile
  • Fixed lerp client time offset corruption
  • Fixed EAC launcher logo missing+error
  • Started work on adding Compound monument to Hapis
  • Unity 2018.1.0 progress including shader tweaks and some bug fixes
  • Antihack improvements