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Boat tweaks and craft queue limits

3:05pm EST - Our update preview stream is live!

12:10pm EST - Thursday has arrived and with it, tweaks and forward progress. Given update launches are only planned for the first Thursday of every month, expect these changes to be in game in 2 weeks (May 3rd).

Our update preview stream goes live at 3pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.

Hit heads with boats

Newmans will soon have to mind their noggins while rafting under low hanging structures as Helk added a new dynamic to boating. Players will now get ejected from boats if their head hits a solid structure while traveling. To top it off, damage will also be dealt to players based on the speed in which their head impacts the object.

Can’t mount without slowing down

Hopping aboard a speeding by boat will soon be a bit more difficult as the ability to mount has been limited. Players will no longer be able to mount boats if they are traveling at too high of a velocity.

Limit crafting queue size

Andre has tweaked the rules around crafting. Queue size is now limited to the items stack size - or 10 for those unstackable items - to prevent certain exploits from taking place.

Other stuff

  • More work on the new compound monument (no images yet)
  • View exploit fix with boats
  • Fixed underwater ocean rendering glitch when looking up
  • Tweaks to building socket checks
  • New skins