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Performance, collider batching, and ragdoll fixes.

3:18pm EST - As we hit the halfway point for the week, the team is making great strides in optimizations and fixes. Remember, there will be no update tomorrow as the team is on a new, two week patch schedule. Before we get into it, let’s discuss performance a bit...


Since the update last week, performance has suffered. On the client side, players are experiencing very high memory usage, likely caused by a memory leak in the code. On the server end, we’re seeing TimeWarnings up the wazoo, resulting in rubber banding and server-wide pauses. Thankfully, Garry is on top of it. Chatting with him earlier, he told me garbage collections appear to be the culprit. Unfortunately, given this new release schedule, we may have to wait another week before we see any relief.

Savas server back online

Making sure our box wasn’t the culprit of the poor performance, I shut down our Savas server last night. Although it did free up some resources on our box, it didn’t do anything towards improving performance on our other servers. Given this, I’ve put our Savas server back online. Thanks for bearing with us through this test.

Collider batching

Collider batching is live on the development branch. Combining similar colliders together, this body of work aims at allowing servers to last longer before they hit the Unity 5 collider limit. There is no ability to tell exactly how many colliders get batched at the moment, however, Andre told me he plans on adding some metric for that prior to the update.

Metabolism changes

Garry has shifted some things with metabolism. Most notably, he’s increased players calorie consumption, meaning they will need to consume more often. He’s also tweaked NPC’s metabolism. No specifics on this yes, however, I don’t imagine it’ll have a huge forward facing impact.

Ragdoll fixes

Garry has also done some important fixes to ragdolls. If you’re not aware, animal and player bodies turn into a ‘ragdoll’ when they die. Creating some annoying bugs, ragdolls don’t always carry over the parent properties correctly, resulting in animals which can’t be harvested and bodies which can’t be looted. The fixes today will hopefully eliminate many of these issues.

Also, Garry fixed a glitch where you could loot bodies at any distance.

Wiping main tomorrow

Although there is no patch scheduled to be released tomorrow, our main 250 slot server is quickly approaching the collider limit. Given this, we will be wiping the map tomorrow at 5pm EST. There will not be a blueprint wipe and no other Rustafied servers will be wiping.

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