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What a week!

11/5 @ 6:52pm EST - Server hotfix just hit, there we go!

11/5 @ 6:45pm EST - A hotfix for the client was released a little while ago, however, the issue has reappeared. Might be the server fix hasn't hit steam yet. Stay posted - and in game, if you are, because you can't reconnect after you're disconnected that first time!

11/5 @ 6:06pm EST - Fix incoming!

11/5 @ 5:55pm EST - They are looking into the auth timeout issues. The specific cause still appears unclear. 

11/5 @ 5:05pm EST - Steam auth issues still abound on most servers. Looks like this may be a game issue rather than a steam outage. More to follow...

11/5 @ 4:30pm EST - Looks like steam is having a lot of connection issues / timeouts. Also, our Savas server won't come up, looking into that now...

11/5 @ 3:58pm EST - The update and devblog are live! 

11/5 @ 3:00pm EST- Our update stream is live!

11/5 @ 11:46am EST - We’ve seen a bunch of balance changes taking place over the past 12 hours, along with the much anticipated arrival of the high external stone gate! Here are some highlights:

  • Higher chance of finding firearms in radtowns/barrels spawn, however, they spawn with zero or almost zero condition
  • Drastically reduced starting ammo found with weapons in radtowns (and crafted guns)
  • Item condition inversely reduces research chance by 50% instead of 100%
  • Stone spear once again takes wooden spear instead of 300 wood to craft
  • Slightly reduced bullet damage
  • Arrow headshot multiplier buffed
  • Auto turret health and bullet protection increased slightly  
  • High external stone gate added - check it out:

11/4 @ 9:28pm EST - Although this was a shorter update cycle, the team has accomplished a bunch of great changes and improvements to the game this week. With new ways to build, protect, and store - gaps have been filled while providing some exciting new changes to gameplay.

Our update stream will go live at 3pm EST, follow Rustafied on twitch to know when and stay tuned to @Rustafied for updates throughout the day.

Forced map wipe

That’s right, it’s the first Thursday of the month, so you know what that means: Forced map wipe. Don’t worry, your precious BP’s will stay unless otherwise forced by a server owner (Rustafied server BP’s will not wipe).

Although there weren’t a ton of changes to the procedural map generation - and those awesome looking dungeons aren’t quite in yet (looks like next month) - this forced wipe features a much welcomed addition…

Pass the salt

No, I’m not talking seasoning for your wolf meat, I’m talking a fundamental shift in how minable resources are generated. For some time now, all the resource spawns for oil, hqm, and the like have been positioned based on server map seed. Looking to gain a leg up on the competition, certain groups have gotten in the habit of surveying resources on test servers so they can maximize quarry placement.

This is no longer possible. Thanks to server.salt, the resource nodes are now independent of the map seed, and set by their own (private) number. Server owners, I recommend you add +server.salt with a random number on your server start - looks like it’s default set to 0.

Building system changes

With new items, fundamental changes, and a splash of Legacy, the new iteration of building has arrived. Let’s cover the basics...

Doors and windows are now crafted

You may notice, after crafting that building plan post wipe, there are several less icons than before.

Along with the fact that doors and windows are created through the crafting menu, not building plan, they are no longer able to be upgraded. They can, however, now be removed (providing they are unlocked). All 3 type of doors (Wood, Sheet metal, and armored) are default blueprints, here’s the crafting info for each:


In addition to window bars being craftable, several new options for privacy and cover have been added. Be it blocking bullets or just wandering eyes, wood shutters can be placed on a window frame, blocking view almost completely when closed. Open and close on a whim, this non-default, 200 wood appendage will really come in handy. Keep in mind, people on the outside can open them, but thankfully they allow for window bars to be placed still.

Pillars and steps

There were a couple other miscellaneous changes to building. Most notably pillars can now only go on the center of floors and foundations and foundation steps are a bit taller (3 meters), making it more difficult to place slanting up. Not confirmed, but looks like this was in place to prevent people from re-creating the half block like structures. But who cares, because we've got...


Anyone who was sour about the half blocks being removed last week (guilty as charged) will be happy to see the team heard the upset and prioritized some replacements for our (mis)use of the half blocks.

First up, some new bunker style windows. Providing two shapes of protection, the horizontal and vertical embrasures are non-default blueprints and cost 200 metal fragments. With 500hp, they hold up well to incoming fire while offering a new level of defense when it comes to firefights at your base.


Second on the list of half-block replacements, a shelving unit has been added! As someone who liked stacking boxes, I’m really happy to see this replacement added so quickly. You’ll have to find the blueprint first, but once you do, you’ll once again be able to make two story loot rooms, able to fit 4 (5 if you squeeze) large storage boxes in a 1x1 space. Awesome! Here are some pictures and crafting stats:

AK47 removed?

Between ‘adding in a horse riding and vehicles’ and ‘remove horseriding and vehicles’ shortly after mixed with ‘removing ak 47,’ Garry’s commits to @RustUpdates caused some double takes this week. Surprisingly enough, it seems many people would be happy to see the assault rifle go. Regardless, the AK is still in the game and Helk has thankfully nerfed the recoil a bit, setting it back to normal levels.

Other things

That’s not all folks! Here are some other things which got done this week:

  • Fixed foundation exploit
  • Server shutdown speed
  • New animations for turning / water
  • More footprint progress
  • You can place doors on triangle foundations again

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