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Holy Hackweek!

1:00pm EST - Our update preview stream is live!

12:00am EST - With one week since the update, Rust development is in full swing for the month. Progress on new monuments and a fresh hackweek is afoot!

Our update preview stream goes live at 1pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the week.

Industrial noise

After its launch last week, the Industrial System is getting some very positive feedback! One piece of criticism, however, was the darn conveyor noises. Thankfully, the noises have been softened a bunch, so they should be much less grating on the ears come the next update.

Attack helicopter progress

More progress on the newest vehicle to enter Rust. The attack helicopter will apparently be like a minicopter with ski’s instead of wheels, along with some form of offensive weapon. This week, we’re seeing work on a guncam, to potentially help flyers aim at their targets.

No visuals on this new vehicle as all development is still being done on a separate branch. As always, we will keep you up-to-date as more comes to light.


As part of the latest hackweek, mannequins are being worked on. This player deployed item has seven slots of inventory so players can test out new outfits and even play with some animation poses.

As with all hackweek projects, it is not clear quite yet if this will actually make it into the game, or fall into the depths of concept limbo.


Another hackweek project may have more complex electronics available in the future. With large and small breadboards being worked on, it looks like players might be able to create portable advanced electronics!


After years in concept limbo, the first iteration of backpacks is being worked on! With players only able to wear one at a time, the backpacks increase inventory slots while slowing down movement a bit. Also, on a cheeky Rust note, players can steal from backpacks if they are following a player close enough!

Mission editor

It appears some more advanced missions are on their way also. On the mission editor branch, the first stages of bonus rewards for optional objectives are being added. Also, the missions panel is being separated from the inventory UI and being made into its own prefab.

Skin viewer

Also, a new hack week project, some form of skin viewer is being worked on. Based on commits, it appears this skin viewer will load a scene with some lighting and camera to be able to view your skins in ways like never before.


Looking for an even higher fidelity Rust? Well, you may soon be in luck as the final hack week project is applying raytracing to the game.

Other stuff

  • Another hackweek project: A slingshot is being worked on

  • More progress on the Compound redesign

  • More work on the nuclear missile silo monument