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Reloading, projectile damage, set time and new concepts

2:50pm EST - With one day to go before the devblog, the team is making some good progress. After being down for most of yesterday, the development branch is functional again today and playability is making a comeback. Remember, none of these changes will launch to main till Monday, so if you want to test them out, you’ll need to opt into the development branch.

Reload system

Garry is working on the first version of the reload system for guns. Although it was merged into main several hours ago, there are some issues with the build (which are currently being worked out) so it’s not live on development yet. Based on the commits, we know weapons have magazines and we’ll be starting with a basic version of the reload system. For some insight into the thought process behind the reloading system, we can look at Garry's comments from October on the trello card.

You'd hold R with your pistol out and see your active clip, any clips you have in your inventory, and all the bullets you have that would fit into that clip.

You'd need to fill the clips manually - by dragging each bullet into the clip, usually on your downtime. This way you could put different types of bullets in your clips.

So if you have multiple clips filled, during a fire fight you'd hold down R and drag a filled clip into your weapon - which would swap out with the old one.

This screen would also double as a way of being able to look how many bullets you have left in your clip etc.

Will this eventually be how reloading works? We’ll see. I’ll test and get back to you as soon as the reloading stuff is live on dev.

Ability to change time

Admins will now have the ability to set the time with a command many will recognize from Legacy, env.time. This is a very welcome command, waiting through night can be a pain in the ass if you're just trying to test something out.

Sound improvements

Alex is working on a bunch of sound fixes. Specifically, he’s created a new branch called footsteps where he’s iterating on the footstep and ambient sounds. Also in the sound realm, Maurino has added better sounds for the revolver.

Damage changes

How damage is calculated is changing faster than I can keep up. Yesterday, Garry set sounds to be based on the bullet type. Later in the day, Maurino changed it back to be based on the weapon. Where will this land? I have no idea, but I do plan on getting some baseline stats on damage for tomorrow’s post.


Howie just posted up some concepts for bridges.

Character variants

Tom is still working on some more facial expressions. Today he posted a preview of happy and death.

Metal container

Vincent posted an updated shot of the old container remnants. Looks like this one is getting close to being ready to go!

Stone pickaxe

Paul posted some concepts for a new tool, the stone pickaxe.

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