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The majestic view from a distance of our new monument, the satellite dish.

LATEam - Updated some more numbers on our guide. Basically, these walls are a lot stronger.

10:40pm EST - Ok, after trying twice, the number is in: 2 hours and 15 minutes to destroy a level 6 wall with hatchet. More to come...

7:04pm EST - I'm still hacking at this level 6 wall with a hatchet (for an hour now) and it is STILL at level 5!

6:54pm EST - Added some stats on the demolish proficiency of each tool to our building upgrade guide.

6:25pm EST - Good news on the new level 6 front: I've been hitting a level 6 wall with a hatchet for 24 minutes and counting and it is still at level 5! More to come...

4:18pm EST - So our main box is currently afk for some unknown reason. Spawned up a new server on our secondary box. Had to wipe again, sorry.

4:08pm EST - The friday devblog is up!

4:04pm EST - While we wait, check out the new level 6 wall:

3:55pm EST - Server just went down, working on getting back up now.

3:40pm EST - Triangle foundations are officially fixed.

3:38pm EST - Bears do officially fuck your shit up:

3:33pm EST - Pick axe is officially slower and doesn't gather at the moment. It can still kill Newmans though.

3:25pm EST - Couple more notes: The pickaxe has been slowed down and may be broken... still testing. The new bow looks awesome and zooms a lot more.

A poor shot of the new bow (UI gets in the way)

Our new (big ass) monument!

First look at new building upgrade textures. Left to right: Level 5, 4, 3, 2 (1 still looks the same)

3:10pm EST - Ok, EAC was kicking people so we've disabled it for the time being. Added another 10 slots on our server (we're full up on that already). Also, new bow models! Pics coming soon. Follow us on twitter for live updates @Rustafied

2:45pm EST - Our server is updated and coming back online right now.

2:40pm EST - Update just dropped! We're updating the server now. Yes, there will be a wipe.

2:00pm EST - I'm so excited for the next update to drop! It’s been since Tuesday morning since the last client update and there have been a literal shit-ton of bug fixes, new functionality and cool shit added. Garry will do a great job, as he always does, summarizing on the Friday devblog. Since that isn't up yet, I wanted to give you guys a little teaser of what’s coming in this update:

  • New monuments
  • Voice works (with moving mouths)
  • Animals attack
  • Rocks aren't as good
  • Rads work
  • New building upgrade textures
  • New vitals UI
  • Character movement improvements
  • Furnace griefing a thing of the past
  • More mountains
  • Animals don't group
  • steamworks.NET

12:30pm EST - Over the past couple hours Garry and team has been knocking a bunch of miscellaneous issues. I've summarized below. 

8:05am EST - Off to a good start today! Storage boxes and furnaces are no longer stackable and campfires and furnaces are no longer indestructible. I can hear the griefers of the world crying, and it sounds lovely. Stay tuned for more updates as the day progresses.

No more furnace greifing!

Furnaces and campfires are no longer indestructible. I'm thrilled because this was a huge source of griefing over the past couple of weeks. Also, you'll no longer be able to stack them on top of eachother (sorry furnace stairways to heaven). Now, hopefully, furnaces will go back to being used for their original purpose.

Building upgrade textures

Looks like the days of bright green and blue houses are short lived, Garry has added new placeholder models for each building level. I'll post screenshots as soon as the update goes live.

Players rotate

A bunch have people have been frustrated with the hand to hand combat, complaining other players are all over the place and don't even face the right way. Hopefully, this will be improved a bit as there is a fix for players not rotating at all.

More mountains!

Andre has added mountains back in to the temperate biomes. This should spice up the maps a bit more and provide some more places to hide your shelter when in the temperate zones. Hell yes, I fucking love mountains in this game!