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Crafting update!

2:00pm EST - The update is live and Devblog hit!

1:00pm EST - Our update stream is live!

12:00am EST - Update day is here and the team at Facepunch has a huge one in store! This update adds a slew of new features such as advanced cooking, chicken coops, beekeeping, and more!

The update is expected at normal time (2pm EST / 7pm GMT). Our update stream goes live at 1pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.

Premium Servers 

Rolling out with the update today, premium servers have an initial access fee of $15 (based on Rust Steam inventory value). To curb cheating and improve the overall gaming experience, this new server type is based on insights gathered from analyzing millions of player accounts, which helped differentiate regular players from those who have been banned. The analysis revealed that most banned players have Rust Steam inventories valued under $20, while long-term, committed players typically boast inventories exceeding $20.

Find them on the server listing under the new heading “Premium Servers”

We’re planning on launching a premium server in the AU region. - AU Premium will go live with the update. It’s a 300 base pop, weekly wipe, blueprints will only wipe when forced by Facepunch, 4250 map size server.

Edit: The opening of premium servers has been postponed.

Cooking V2

Cooking just got a serious upgrade. This update introduces a complete overhaul to the food system with the new Cooking Workbench as its centerpiece. 

This station lets you craft advanced recipes beyond basic campfire fare. These new dishes provide additional buffs and benefits that standard food items can't match.

The cooking experience is now more immersive with visual and audio feedback - watch as your meat browns on the grill and listen to the satisfying sizzle as your meal cooks to perfection.

There is also now spoilage, so watch out! Raw meat now spoils in 6 hours, cooked meat in 24 hours. To avoid spoilage, simply store the meat in an electrically powered refrigerator or cook it (and cooking the meat resets the deterioration counter). A visual indicator displays the time remaining before spoilage as well as an icon when the meat is refrigerated.

Cooking Workbench
Used to cook advanced dishes

200 Metal Fragments
200 Stones
100 Wood

Craft time
30 seconds

Level 1 required

Recipe buffs

  • Chicken Pie: Gives a chance for better genes from crops for 5 minutes when planting seeds

  • Apple Pie: Provides 15 minutes of 100% better night vision, enhancing visibility of node sparkles and bright X's on trees

  • Pumpkin Pie: Provides a boost to hunger, health, and hydration and increases max health for 10 minutes

  • Hunter's Pie: Provides a boost to hunger, health and hydration, and reduces bleeding for 15 minutes

  • Fish Pie: Provides a boost to hunger, health, and hydration and increases base comfort level for 1 minute

  • Pork Pie: Provides a boost to hunger, health, and hydration and improves healing rate from other sources for a short time

  • Bear Pie: Applies "Digestion Boost" effect, doubles effect of harvesting Teas but halves their duration.

  • Bread loaf: Eating it provides a small boost to health and hunger for 2 minutes

Chicken Coops

Chicken coops have dropped this update, allowing players to set up their very own egg production system. Coops let you raise chickens, collect eggs, and manage their needs. Feed your feathered friends various foods including grains and veggies to keep their health and happiness meters topped up. Happy chickens = more eggs.

Wild chickens now randomly drop eggs that can be collected and hatched inside your coop. The hatching process takes approximately 2 minutes, so you won't be waiting long for new additions to your flock.

Interaction with your chickens is key - feed them regularly and give them a good petting to boost happiness and egg production. Just remember they need their beauty sleep - you can't pet chickens while they're snoozing. Neglect your chickens and egg production will suffer, so keep those birds happy if you want breakfast!

Chicken Coop
An enclosure to keep some chickens around.

200 Wood

Craft time
30 seconds

Level 1 required


Rust's latest update brings an intriguing addition to the survival experience: beekeeping mechanics. Here's what players can expect with the new bee-related features:

  • Harvesting Beehive Nucleus: To start your own beekeeping, you'll need to gather a beehive nucleus from natural beehives found on tree’s. Be cautious, as the bees guarding the honeycomb will defend their home vigorously.

  • Crafted Beehives: Once you have a nucleus, you can use it to establish your own crafted beehives. Placing the nucleus in these beehives will kickstart honey production, turning your setup into a functional source of honey over time.

  • Interaction with Beehives: Both natural and crafted beehives can be interacted with. This interaction allows players to manage beehives and collect resources effectively.

  • Bee Grenades: Introducing a novel weapon to the Rust arsenal, bee grenades allow players to unleash swarms of bees on their opponents. The effectiveness of these grenades can be countered with smoke or fire, adding a layer of tactical depth to encounters.

  • Bee Behavior: Bees in Rust react dynamically to environmental stimuli. For example, smoke from smoke grenades or flames from flamethrowers can influence bee activity, providing players with strategic options to manage bee threats.

These beekeeping mechanics not only add a new layer of interaction with the environment but also introduce fresh strategies for both defense and attack in the game's ever-evolving world.

Store bees and lets them make honey

200 Wood

Craft time
30 seconds

Level 1 required

Bee Grenade
A glass jar full of bee's

1 Beehive Nucleus
30 Cloth

Craft time
10 seconds

Level 1 required


Various flower types can now be found throughout the landscape including orchids, roses, sunflowers, and wheat. While they currently have limited functionality, you can sell them at stables for scrap.

Armor Inserts

New armor inserts provide additional protection for your gear. When crafting clothes with armor slots, you'll have a 50% chance to get one slot, 30% chance for two slots, and 20% chance for three slots. Using quality tea guarantees at least one slot by skipping the initial 50% roll.

Types of Armor Inserts:

  • Asbestos Armor Insert: Adds heat protection.

  • Lead Armor Insert: Provides radiation protection.

  • Wooden Armor Insert: Increases projectile and melee protection.

  • Metal Armor Insert: Offers higher levels of projectile and melee protection compared to wooden inserts.

Crafting Quality Tea

The new Crafting Quality Tea boosts your chances of getting armor insert slots. When consumed, it guarantees at least one armor slot by bypassing the initial 50% roll, giving you better odds for higher-quality craftable gear.

Other New Teas

New temperature-regulating teas have been added. Warming teas increase your core temperature to combat cold environments, while cooling teas help prevent overheating in desert regions.

Workbench Changes - Not Now

You might have come across some posts on social media discussing major changes to workbenches, particularly regarding the crafting costs for tier 1 and tier 2. These changes have been reverted and will not be included in today's update. Stay tuned for any future updates or adjustments in this area.


The new storage adaptor is making waves with its simple but game-changing mechanic. Hoppers automatically vacuum up any items dropped within a 1.5m radius, streamlining your collection systems and resource management. Perfect for automated sorting or catching output from processing stations.

Will suck up any dropped items in it's radius while powered

100 Metal Fragments

Craft time
30 seconds

Level 1 required

New Planters

The update introduces some new planter types: Single Plant Pot, Triangle Planter Box, Rail Road Planter, and Triangle Rail Road Planter. The Rail Road Planter has room for 9 seeds while the Triangle variants have room for 4. Planter mechanics have also changed - they now prevent planter half height stacking, so plan your farm layouts accordingly.

Uterust Charity Event This Month!

The Uterust charity event supporting Breast Cancer Research Foundation runs from March 27-30, 2025. Mark your calendars and get ready to participate! For more information follow @beccasomething on X.

Other Stuff

  • New Engineering workbench for crafting electricity, plumbing, industrial, car, and turrets

  • Neon sign power requirements have been lowered

  • Caching for building privilege (server performance improvements)

  • A basic version of ownership has been added back (shows the name of who crafted the item)

  • Fixes for AMD DLSS crashes