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Update time!

1:45pm EST - The update is live and devblog is out!

1:00pm EST - Our update stream is live!

12:00am EST - Update day is here! Along with the forced map wipe, we’re seeing a new Tin Can Alarm, zipline improvements, and various other fixes and features.

The update and forced wipe is expected at normal time, 2pm EST (7pm BST). Our update stream goes live at 1pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the week. 

Tin Can Alarm

The new Tin Can Alarm is here to add a layer of security with a touch of stealth around your bases and key locations. Crafting this handy gadget only costs 100 wood, 1 rope, and 2 empty tuna cans. Set it up by placing it down and running a tripwire that extends about two foundations wide, much like you’d lay down an electrical line. While it's relatively fragile with just 50 HP and easy to destroy, its real strength lies in its subtlety—the wire is super thin, making it hard to spot.

When triggered, the alarm emits the expected tin can clatter noise, alerting you to any unwanted visitors or nosy neighbors trying to sneak around. Perfect for perimeter defense, you can attach this wire to trees or strategically place it around monuments to keep tabs on movement in crucial areas. Whether you’re securing loot or setting up an ambush, the Tin Can Alarm is your go-to for keeping alert without drawing too much attention.

1 rope
100 wood
2 empty tuna cans

Level 1 required


Max wire length
~2 foundations

Item buoyancy

Dropped items in Rust now mimic natural underwater behavior more closely. The drag on submerged items has been dramatically increased to 7 from just 0.1, slowing their descent compared to how they would fall through air. Additionally, these items now experience a mild physics impulse every 1-2 seconds, simulating the push and pull of underwater currents. A new splash effect also activates when items enter the water, adding a visual signal for players and boosting the overall realism. These updates enhance the interactivity and visual appeal of underwater environments.

Zipline improvements

This update brings several improvements to the zipline experience in Rust. Now, each platform is equipped with four new dismount points—two on the side and two higher up. These additions make it easier to transition between multiple ziplines without the need for extensive climbing.

Furthermore, the ziplines have been adjusted to favor destination points that are both further away and higher up, increasing travel distance and reducing the need to climb ladders. This optimization extends the maximum zipline distance from 150 meters to 185 meters, enhancing both the efficiency and thrill of ziplining.

Vendor changes

This update brings some changes to the restocking and pricing dynamics of NPC vendors. Now, the starting stock for vendors has increased to 20, giving players more immediate access to necessary items. Additionally, the frequency of price adjustments has been modified, with prices now set to update every five in-game days instead of the previous four times per day. This change is designed to stabilize prices, smoothing out the dramatic price drops that typically occur a week into a monthly wipe. These adjustments aim to create a more predictable and fair trading environment, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.


The team implemented various fixes with this months update. Here are some highlights:

  • Allow bikes to work in elevators

  • Fixed fishing tackle mission soft locking if the player has a full inventory when they try and return it (do the inventory full check before we clear the required mission items)

  • Disabled saving on NPCVendingMachine_TravellingVendor, may fix entity leak

  • Wrap a bunch of loose logs in HarborCrane and CargoShip with editor checks to prevent log spam

  • Fixed some issues with card games and idle kicks

  • Fixed pager no longer being activated when getting on a horse if the pager is in saddlebag

  • Fixed being kicked for flyhack when jumping on ocean junkpiles

  • Fixed seismic sensor vibration level not reset when unpowered

  • Fixed wire IO errors while standing near deployables

  • Fixed kitchen cabinet and kitchen cooker incorrectly positioned collider in Underwater Labs, Desert bases, and Arctic Base

  • Potential fix for boats drifting under the map

  • Fixes for some reserved slots things (disconnect grace period)

  • Fixed spectators getting a black screen

  • Fixes for planters missing underside faces

  • Fix spelling on workcart decal

  • Fixed homing missle UI staying on screen when switching perspectives while spectating

  • Fixed spectator Team UI not displaying correctly

Quality of life

  • More bush sounds so other people can hear the rustling

  • Bikes turn faster when you hold crouch

  • Improved sidecar bike physics

  • Horses can now enter terrain holes - Train tunnels, the launch site ramp etc

  • Fire mode switch - Switching your gun firemode will now play a sound

  • Can now walk through Storage Adaptors attached to boxes

  • Can now turn off the blood on screen when getting hurt

  • The last entered code is now saved between sessions

Other stuff

  • Apple Silicon / ARM64 native libraries (allows everyone to use the Apple Silicon Unity editor)

  • Allow trains to smash through deployed cover barricades

  • Tuned motorbike headlights

  • Double elevator max floor limit

  • Traveling vendor stock will refill every 33% of the vendors total lifetime (no longer infinite)

  • Add ‘print_rcon_clients’ command to print a list of all connected RCON clients