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Legacy items, Frontier skin, and more!

1:00pm EST - Our update preview stream is live!

12:00am EST - With one week until the update and forced wipe, we’re seeing a bunch of work on new content and fixes.

Our update preview stream goes live at 1pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the week. Before we get into it, I have an exiting announcement…

Introducing: Rustafied Solo!

I’m very happy to announce two new servers coming to our lineup: EU and US Solo! These solo-only experiences are a first of its kind for the official list and will be launching with the update and forced wipe next week!

They’ll feature a 3k map and 150 slots, and of course, a team UI limit of 1. These are going up in place of our Barren servers (RIP) as Barren maps are no longer supported as of next month. You’ll be able to find them on the official list after the update next week or direct connect with the info below:


Legacy items

Several items from the days of Legacy have hit staging. Likely paying homage to the past for the 10th birthday of Rust, these items should be available to all with the update next month as word is they will not be part of a DLC. 

Included we have the legacy bow, M4 shotgun, legacy furnace, and even the legacy shelter! Given they just entered staging, costs and specifics are subject to change. We’ll have a full rundown of these items costs and features with the update post next week.

Frontier building skin

Work continues on the latest building skin coming to the game: Frontier. This skin is slated to be the first wood building skin DLC, and will likely go live on the item store with the update next week. Also a bit of a homage to the Legacy days, the skin resembles the wood structures from the last version of the game. No word on price-point for this DLC, but I’d expect it to be in the same realm as previous building skin DLC’s.

Painting improvements 

Artists of Rust will rejoice with this next update as a bunch of quality of life things are being added for painting canvases. Adding to the changes last week which allow players to turn off the light and reduce glare, we’re seeing a couple more QoL additions this week. Specifically, convars have been added to control the selected tool, brush, size and opacity. This allows people to create hotkeys for each of those things, allowing them to navigate the tools and options easier. They’ve also added spray brushes with random rotation for some cool effects. Expect these changes to go live with the update next week.

Chain link confusion

There was some confusion around chain link fences and turrets this week in the commits. Long and short, there was a ‘nerf’ committed which stopped turrets from shooting through chain link fences. This was a miscommunication with the development team and has been reverted. Turrets will keep shooting and targeting through chain link fences.

Twitch rivals next month

Mark your calendars, the 4th Twitch Rivals event is going live on December 11th! It looks like some new gameplay elements and items will be introduced with this years event, so stay tuned!

Miscellaneous fixes

There have been a bunch more miscellaneous fixes this week. Here is a summary:

  • Fixed fishing villages spawning inside harbors

  • Ensured water catchers, furnaces and oil refineries can't be shot through

  • Work on reducing warning spam in general

  • Fix tags not working in the modded tab when using cached browser

  • Fix default keybinds applying over and over for multiple realms

  • Fix wall being buildable between two different buildings allowing TCs to be connected and break

Other stuff

  • Many offset bunkers have been patched or changed (still possible but more triangles needed)

  • Remove locked crate icon from map when any item is removed from a hacked crate on Oil Rig

  • More work on the metal detector

  • Initial work on a ‘small backpack’ and more work on backpack in general

  • Work on Santa Mask item (for the Xmas event this year)

  • Work on a high caliber revolver (frontier item)

  • Work on a confetti cannon and pinata

  • Work on a battle bus

  • Updated wording on Rust+ pair screen to make it clearer what is enabled or disabled

  • More work on server side player movement / ragdolls

  • Overhaul on player rigging / animations

  • Increase duration of birthday event to run from the 7th to the 16th of December inclusive (is normally just the 11th of December)