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Base Decor and more!

1:00pm EST - Our update preview stream is live!

12:00am EST - It’s one week till the big update and forced wipe and the team is trucking on various changes and new functionality.

Our update preview stream goes live at 1pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the week.

Halloween is here!

That’s right! As of Monday, the Halloween event for Rust went live with a mandatory client and server update. It’ll run till November 2nd with the update and forced wipe. Check out the spooky devblog for details and find some more specifics in my article from last week.

Base Decor DLC

A new DLC is around the corner! Unlike the last couple that changed the look of your actual base, this one is to help you decorate the interior of your bases. The Base Decor DLC features a number of items which will help spruse up your base, including storage barrels, wanted posters, single gun racks, hunting trophies, planters, chairs, a new skinning knife, and more!

Oil Rig Radiation

Radiation is coming to Oil Rigs to prevent camping to stop the crate from respawning.

Placeholder values:

  • Starts 45min after crate starts being hacked

  • Ramps up to 100 rads over 5 minutes

Saddle bag changes

The devs are tweaking how saddle bags work this week. First, the saddle bag itself has been increased from 6 to 12 slots again. Also, they split the horse stuff into two inventories: one for equipment, one for storage (as opposed to the first 4 slots being only for equipment). These changes also come with some UI tweaks to make it more logical for players.

Other stuff

  • Holding shift while right clicking items into the repair bench will apply the last skin automatically

  • Allow skinning <0.75s but don't play the effect if it occurred under that delay

  • Fixed guitar skins not working in third person

  • Allow jackhammer to be repaired inside the repair bench for free

  • More work on tutorial island

  • Initial work on a metal detector

  • Separate teleportEveryone2me, teleportSleepers2me, teleportNonSleepers2me commands

  • Cactuses no longer defeat scientists

  • Work on dropped items not dropping through vehicles

  • More work on rail network links