CCTV Cameras and Computer Stations!
2:00pm EST - The update and devblog are live!
1:00pm EST - Our update stream is live!
12:00am EST - Update day is upon us and the team at Facepunch has some exciting stuff in store this month.
As with all recent first Thursday’s, the patch is expected to launch around 2pm EST. Our update stream goes live at 1pm EST. Follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.
Update summary video
Here’s an update summary video from Puddy!
Functional CCTV Cameras
CCTV Cameras are no longer just for crafting Auto Turrets or recycling - they now can be used as actual security cameras! Deployed on a wall or door, each CCTV camera can have its own identifier.
Once deployed, simply run electricity to the camera, set the identifier (hold ‘e’ with your hammer equipped), and set direction (by tapping ‘e’ while looking at the camera you set the camera to look where you are standing). To view your camera feeds from anywhere on the map, you add the identifier to a Computer Station (more on this below) and you’re all set.
As expected, CCTV Cameras have health (150hp) and can be destroyed by either melee (3hp per Pickaxe swing) or gun fire (5hp per AK hit). You can also pick them up with a Hammer if you have building privilege.
CCTV Cameras can still not be crafted, so you must find them in loot around the map (see list here). At the moment, they stack to 64, but I imagine that will change.
Monument CCTV’s
Another huge part of this CCTV update is the addition of various CCTV feeds at monuments around the map. Now any player with a Computer Station can view a live feed of different places on the map simply by typing in the correct identifier. What are some identifiers? Well that seems to be up in the air at the moment. I’ll post more information here as I have it.
Edit: A teaser list of monument CCTV’s was posted here. Also, these are not on Hapis yet.
Computer Station
So how do you view all of these new CCTV’s? That is where the Computer Station comes in. About the size of a Research Table (plus a chair sticking out), the Station is comprised of a Targeting Computer, RF Broadcaster, RF Receiver, and some High Quality Metal.
To use the Computer Station, mount it and start adding your CCTV identifiers on the bottom left. You’ll then be able to select the different cameras and view their feeds. As an added benefit, although each CCTV you place requires power, the Computer Station does not currently require any electricity to operate at the moment.
It has 500hp, works for anyone who gains access to mount it (no password or auth required), can be picked up with a hammer (with building auth), and requires a Workbench Level 2 to craft.
Here are some more details:
Crafting Cost
20 HQM
1 Targeting Computer
1 RF Broadcaster
1 RF Receiver
Level 2 required
Research Cost
75 Scrap
Trumpet Turret
A new pinnacle of base defense has been reached this month with the advent of the Trumpet Turret. That’s right! You can now arm a Trumpet to a Turret (no other instruments work) and it’ll play said Trumpet whenever it detects an enemy. Although this may sound ridiculous (literally), it actually stands to have some practical application for alerting of intruders.
New default map size
The default map size has been increased slightly (6.25%) from 4000 to 4250. As stated in the commits, this is to give monuments slightly more space to spawn in with the new Ring Road.
Other map changes
Along with increasing the default map size, roadside monuments can now spawn next to both main roads and side roads. Also, the large monuments have been given spawn priority.
Finally, Ring Road was removed from maps smaller than 4k since it takes away too much space. All in all, this should make it so map seeds have a much better offering of monuments.
Composite key binds
A new functionality has been added for keybind You are now able to account for alternative presses when saving keybinds. For example: bind [leftcontrol+x] kill
Ocean level
A new server command has been added to shift the ocean levels. The command, ‘env.oceanlevel’ is by default 0. Raising the value raises the ocean level, and changing it to a negative number lowers the level.
Building messages
A couple more useful messages have been added in for when you are building:
Show a more helpful message when trying to build in a prevent building volume (including monuments)
Show a message when building too close to another building
Show a message when trying to build in an area where you do not have building privileges
Steamworks and other improvements
Garry has been fiddling with a bunch of various things under the hood including updating Steamworks, fixing some foreign names not showing on the team dock, NRE fixes, and updating some phrases. He also cleaned up the demo menu UI and fucked with Steam networking a bit.
Other stuff
Logging for when admins spawn things to protect against abuse
Fix aim jumping when stopping shooting when mounted on something
Fixed wooden sign medium and small placement issues
Reduced hide poncho to 30 seconds craft
Added env.cloudrotation convar
Report dialog now closes when Esc is pressed
Fixed cargo ship sometimes spawning out of world bounds and immediately killing its scientists
A new background for the EAC window on start of the game
Other projects
The team is also working on a bunch of other long term projects that weren’t ready for primetime this month. Here is a list; expect some more detail in the devblog:
Cinematic tools
Foliage optimization
Navmesh optimization
Update Unity
Applications are open!
Applications for our Moderation, Community, and Discord Moderation teams are open! If you’re over 18 years of age and would like to become part of the Rustafied team, go fill out an application today!