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RHIB Event and more.

7/20 @ 12:00pm EST - A mandatory client and server update have been released to fix an undisclosed issue within the game.

3:00pm EST - Our update preview stream is live!

12:00am EST - We’re at the halfway point for Rust development this month and the team is working on new functionality.

Our update preview stream goes live at 3pm EST. Stay tuned to @Rustafied for news throughout the day.

RHIB event progress

Helk is building out some AI for new server events, the first of which being the Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat (or RHIB). After being partially implemented last month, the RHIB now has fuel and engine functionality, along with with some fixed issues with collision.

Although not fully flushed out yet, it is expected this event will occur at certain intervals on each server, and feature scientist NPC’s traveling across the water in the RHIB. Players will then be able to engage the NPC’s in an attempt to take control of the RHIB.

Larger than the rowboats found along the shore, the RHIB seats up to 6 people, has a small wood storage, 1000 health, and moves much faster. It is unknown at the moment as to exactly how many NPC’s will be on each boat, how hostile they’ll be to other players, or exactly how often they will show up. As always, we’ll keep you posted as this functionality is built out.

Compound bow

Thomas has completed much of the art for a new Compound Bow! Although other things like sounds and animations are still needed prior to full implimentation, this is a critical step towards seeing this new weapon in the game. 

See more at Thomas' ArtStation page.

Procgen native

Andre has continued his work on the procgen native branch. As with most commits with the word ‘procgen’ in them, this project will likely involve some tweaks / changes to terrain generation in the game. Still a little shrouded in mystery, it’s not completely clear what exactly or how significant these shifts may be. That said, I do have a hunch it’ll include the new swamp areas coming with Bandit town.

Bandit town

Speaking of Bandit town, work continues on the art and implementation of this newest of monuments. Expected to go live with the next update on August 2nd, this new location will not only be visually stimulating, but stands to have some new gameplay dynamics interjected with it.

Rustafied server IP changes

We've switched two of our servers around to help better balance the load between our dedicated machines. Please note the new IP's:

  • US Small -
  • US Long -