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Spas-12 Shotgun, Chainsaw, and more!

3:20pm EST - It’s an exciting week for Rust development! With the update and forced map wipe on Thursday, we’re seeing balance, fixes, and several new items in the game.

Spas-12 shotgun

The newest member of the Rust arsenal is here. A military grade, semi-automatic shotgun, the Spas-12 fires faster than the pump shotgun but yields less damage. It cannot be crafted, so you’ll only be able to find one from higher tier loot drops like the bradley or attack helicopter (as of right now, the drops are not finalized).

It houses 3 attachment slots, 6 shells per clip, and is able to fire handmade shells, 12 gauge buckshots, slugs and the new 12 gauge incendiary rounds (more on that below).

12 gauge incendiary shells

Accompanying the Spas, a new type of ammo has been added. 12 gauge incendiary shells are a non-default blueprint which cost 75 scrap to research. Requiring a workbench level 2, it takes 3 seconds to craft 2 rounds. Like other incendiary rounds, this 12 gauge variant spreads hot little fires around near the point of impact.

5 metal frags
10 gun powder
20 sulfur

Research cost
75 scrap

Level 2 required

Craft time
3 seconds

Amount per craft
2 shells

Chainsaw added (sort of)

A new tool has made its way into the game, although it is not yet fully implemented. The Chainsaw can be spawned by admins, but that’s about all it can do at the moment. Logic dictates it’ll be used mainly to gather wood, but uses in the realms of raiding and Newman slaughter are also highly probable.

Right now, however, it simply makes an idle sound while shooting off sparks and blood everywhere (which is only slightly unsettling). Check back for our post on Thursday for more on this exciting new tool.

Chinook 47

Helk is working on the newest server event for Rust: The Chinook 47.  As mentioned in the roadmap, this helicopter will periodically deliver a locked crate similar to an airdrop to a specific radtown. Players will have to capture and hold this area for a period of time to gain access to the loot.

As of right now we've seen work on the models, flight dynamics, and locked crate. No word yet on if this new event will be ready for prime time by Thursday, but we’ll let you know as soon as we do.

Scientists this week!

The long awaited Scientist NPC’s will finally be going live with the update this Thursday. After weeks of testing and optimizations, it appears these blue bullies are ready to roam. There are still some tweaks to be made, so check back Thursday for more details on spawn locations and loot.

Other stuff

  • More work on tree revamp
  • Progress on hair improvements
  • Improvements to cliff / monument placement
  • Hapis tweaks and fixes