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Zero hour: 9:00 a.m.

4:35pm EST - The devblog and update are live! Our servers are updating shortly.

2:00pm EST - Our update stream is live!

12:00am EST - July is here, and with it, the Rocket Factory - and a forced wipe. Today's update not only includes a new dungeon, but also changes to Hapis, a new barrel for cooking, and some other interesting shifts to the game.

As always, there is no set time for the update to hit, but it is generally between 2 and 5pm EST. Our update stream goes live at 2pm EST - follow @Rustafied for news throughout the day.

Update summary video

Here's the latest update video from Puddy.

Rocket factory dungeon

Gone are the days of prefab assets from the Unity store, Facepunch continues to up their game. The long awaited Rocket Factory dungeon is finally here… and it is fucking massive!

This sprawling wasteland of space exploration features loot, puzzles, hiding places, and more. With one main launch pad and nearly 10 buildings, spread out over a large plot of land, this site is no small undertaking.

I’m really blown away by the teams attention to detail with this dungeon. Given a picture is worth a thousand and all, here’s several grand...

Hapis changes

The latest round of Hapis improvements is here and it does not disappoint. Along with a bunch of topography changes, there's a new grand canyon valley, desert area, and south road. Petur has really done a great job with Hapis, I can't wait to see what's next!

Hobo barrel

Helk has added a new type of barrel to the game. Unlike all other barrels, the Hobo Barrel does not drop loot. Instead, it can be used like a campfire to cook food. You’ll find them at every lighthouse and the rocket factory.

Driftwood can be gathered

Traversing the beach just got a bit more advantageous for those in search of wood. Like the laying logs about, driftwood can now be harvested - each piece yields about 200 wood with a metal hatchet.

Node spawn changes

In the wake of some huge shifts to nodes last week, where you find your precious resources has shifted again this week. Ore node spawns rules have been adjusted, making it so they only really spawn near rock formations. In addition, there will now be a higher concentration of stone in the temperate biome as ore distribution has been adjusted (50% stone, 25% metal, 25% sulfur - instead of 33% each).

Junkpile spawn shifts

Similar to nodes, the location of junkpiles has shifted this week. They now only spawn next to roads and powerlines, as opposed to all over the map.

Vending machine stock on maps

Merchants and customers of Rust rejoice this week as their life has been made a bit easier. Helk has added a full list of what's for sale and current inventory on map view for all vending machine locations currently broadcasting. To access, simply craft a paper map

Antihack improvements

Users of AutoHotKey (AHK) had a rude awakening this week as a huge ban wave went out in conjunction with a server update which improves on the ingame antihack. 

Other things

  • New foliage and grass (graphical improvements)
  • Added underground and front checkpoint to airfield
  • Pickup items play a sound instead of moving to inventory silently
  • Fixed ores sometimes not giving the bonus on completion
  • Fixed sand/snow ores not giving proper hqm yields
  • Full surface of small and medium cave rooms now buildable for players (no surface restriction). Large room remains unchanged.

Rustafied AU - Launching today!

Our first Australian server is going live today when the update hits! - AU Main is a 300 slot, one week wipe server. Look for it on the official list after the update.