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Hello M92, So Long Military Crafting

2:18pm EST - November winds down, and with it, we look towards a forced wipe on December 1st. Along with caves possibly seeing the light of day, we have some pretty big changes to weapons on the horizon. Let’s get into it...

Military grade weapons no longer craftable

That’s right, as of the December 1st update, military grade weapons (LR-300, MP5A4, and the new M92) will not be craftable - you can only find them in heli loot at the moment (but that may change prior to the update according to Helk).

How will this impact all your precious guns skins? A solution is in the works which will allow you to apply them via the repair bench.

Guns which cannot be crafted:

M92 is in

The newest military grade weapon has been brought into the fold. The M92 is officially in the game, and it may just be the most effective pistol in Rust to date. With a 15 round clip, very fast rate of fire, and deadly accuracy, this bad boy will be a treasured commodity (especially because you can’t craft it). Here are some pictures and specifics:

15 rounds

Ammo type

Rate of fire
Very fast


Spear changes

Helk has made some tweaks to spear combat this week. Although he’s buffed the handheld aspects of spear-play, he’s nerfed the throw damage. Here are the specifics:

  • Less throw damage
  • More melee damage
  • Easier to hit targets
  • Slightly longer melee range

Cave progress

Andre has been working a lot on the new natural cave system. As he mentioned last week in the devblog, the majority of the focus is on optimization, specifically through the interior culling system. This culling basically makes it so the caves only render the specific parts you’re in, thereby not causing your video card to shit a brick.

Word on the street (Alistair) is as long as there is no performance hit, these caves will go live this week.

AI branch?!

Garry has updated to the latest version of Unity beta 5.5 (which apparently has some fixes for AI) on a branch called "AI". Could this mean the end of deer darting up cliffs? Not sure… keep in mind the main issues with shitty animal movements are not due to Unity. That said, Garry working on a branch called AI could be the first steps towards better animal behavior.

Regardless, don’t hold your breath, progress is being made on the prerelease branch and probably won't go live this week. Hopefully the devblog will have some more details...

Workshop changes

Garry has also made some changes to the workshop. Along with adding a voting section on the main menu (see below), he’s added the AK47, a weapon box, support for multiple materials, and the ability to view items by type.

Other stuff

  • Bone knife slightly cheaper
  • Survey charge world model is bigger apparently (I didn't notice a difference yet)

Component guide live!

I’m happy to announce the addition of a new Rustafied guide: The component system. With useful information like what items require which component, recycling yields, and recycler locations around the map, we aim to have this guide be your go to stop for all component related needs.

Guide updates incoming

We’re not stopping there. Along with the component guide, we’re actively working on (finally) getting our guides up to date. Expect much more progress on this over the next week, but for a start, we have a fresh index page (instead of that shit dropdown on the top navigation).

Our goal is to once again become your source for all up-to-date things Rust. More on this as we enter December and wind down the year.

Christmas Skin Contest

The skin contest being run by Xtab Studios is still accepting submissions till Friday! Enter by then for your chance at Rust fame and fortune!