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Forced wipe, faster bullets, and helicopter changes.

4:10pm EST - Helk just changed some things about bows / arrows:

  • Bows fire slightly slower
  • Bows have much reduced headshot damage
  • Bows have a little more aim recoil
  • Crossbows fire arrows with much higher velocity (50% instead of 20% )
  • HV arrows are 'thinner'

1:52pm EST - Tomorrow is update day and the team is rocking out fixes and changes in preparation. Before we get into specifics, let’s discuss the wipe…

Wipe time

It’s that time of the month. No, I’m not talking about a visit from Aunt Flo, I’m talking a forced map wipe. As has been the case for a while now, the first update of the month is reserved for changes to the procedural map generation system. What’s different about this month is, as of this moment, there haven’t been any ‘wipe forcing’ changes to the map generation; no ‘procgen’ branch like we’re accustomed to and Vince’s awesome new dungeons haven’t been merged in.

Regardless, Garry confirmed with me earlier in the week that a forced wipe is still planned (just map, not blueprints). Although I’m a bit disappointed it’ll be another month before we see dungeons in game, I am excited to experience the strides in server performance.

Pooling continues

Andre continues his work on pooling assets. As you may recall, this work aims at reducing garbage collections and improving performance. Being the main focus of Garry and Andre the past two weeks, server performance will hopefully show significant improvement with the launch of this update. We really won’t know the full extent, however, till we have 200+ people playing in a server.

Faster bullets

In response to the poll in which over 60% of people thought bullets should travel faster, Helk has done just that: Bullet speeds have been significantly increased across the board. This change has been done in conjunction with some improvements to the attack helicopter...

Helicopter changes

Taking a pass on improving the attack helicopter, Helk has made several significant changes. Complementing the faster bullets, hitboxes for weak spots have been made smaller. Additionally, loot crates are unlootable till the fire goes out and a cupboard exploit has been fixed. Finally, for those pesky helicopter campers, a napalm strike has been added. No visuals on this yet as the server build is currently failing. Expect some eye candy with our update summary tomorrow.


Vince has been busy adding gibs and updating prefabs for several items. Most notably, signs now break apart into pieces when destroyed (as opposed to just disappearing).

PlayRust PublicRadio

Last week Argyle Alligator, Pheado82 and I were interviewed by the guys at PlayRust PublicRadio to discuss KoS in Rust. Check it out:

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