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A fresh start, again.

10:22pm EST - Client update just hit. Updating a wiping our servers now...

9:50pm EST - Still waiting on the client update to hit (server version has been out for 20 minutes now). Good news though: it appears the exterior walls are fixed on this update also.

9:28pm EST - All looks good, update coming down the pike any moment...

9:20pm EST - Testing the hotfix on our dev branch now. It'll hopefully go live shortly so we can get on with it!

7:44pm EST - Hotfix hasn't gone live yet, however, it should hit any time now... will keep you posted.

5:54pm EST - A duping glitch for BP fragments was brought to light yesterday. As a result, people who exploited this glitch basically have unlimited access to blueprints. All this, just days after a game wide blueprint wipe… shit.

Given that even a small percentage of groups having full access to blueprints could throw off server balance for months, I've decided to wipe not only the map, but everyone’s blueprints once this hotfix hits (which should be anytime now). I know, it fucking sucks to lose your progress. As always though, ripping this band aid off quick will be much better overall than slowly feeling the effects over the next weeks / months.

Consequently, Rustafied servers will not have any map wipes with update the Thursday.

Note: There are no forced map or blueprint wipes with the hotfix. It is the decision of every server owner whether or not to wipe maps / blueprints.