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Kicking off an exciting week.

1:50pm EST - It is a fresh week in Rust development and an exciting one at that! The update this Thursday stands to bring some key changes to gameplay mechanics along with the next iteration of map generation. Remember: this update will force a map wipe on all servers (no forced BP wipes are planned). The team is off to a great start, but before we get into that, I’d like to touch on some changes which snuck their way into a patch this weekend...

Changes over the weekend

A small patch was released Saturday evening which included a couple unannounced (and some unintentional) gameplay changes…

Codelocks only work on one side
At the moment, you can only bring up the codelock keypad if you are on the inner side of the door (when they are armored). I’ve confirmed with Garry this is an unintentional bug, so it should be fixed this week.

Jumping on blocks
The dynamic of crouch jumping has shifted, making it now impossible to jump on a half block if there is a ceiling (floor piece) above. Thankfully also to be short lived, I mentioned this to Andre and he told me he'd put it on his list.

Nights are darker
Boosting your gamma just became much less effective as some serious changes to lighting at night were put in. Although still able to make out objects in certain conditions, many angles and views are simply black, no matter how blindingly high your gamma is set.

4:08pm EST Update: Both the codelocks and crouch jumping have been fixed on the dev branch. Nice!


Over the past couple weeks, load times for the game have increased considerably. Heeding players' calls for optimization, Garry has spent a good portion of his day tweaking things to improve the overall load times. Initial tests on the development branch do show speed ups in loading the game and joining a server. Andre is also taking part, cutting memory usage for the terrain heightmap in half on the procgen10 branch…


It is my favorite time of the month for Rust; the next iteration of procedural map generation is scheduled to go live this week. With a focus on fixes to world generation and gameplay improvements to monuments, the procgen10 branch will likely be merged into main (a.k.a. live on the development branch) in the next day or two. Stay tuned for more info and pictures as soon as this happens…

Note: Dev branch servers will experience a forced wipe after the procgen10 changes are merged with main. As has happened in previous months, more forced wipes may occur through the week as last minute changes are made to the map generation.

Pumpkin fixes

Garry has also done some refactoring to how pumpkin spawns work, hopefully making farming a bit more reliable.

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