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Strides in server performance.

In the afterglow of the biggest game changing update of the year, players appear to be getting accustomed to the new dynamic of crossbows and high quality metal. As expected with an update of this magnitude, there were some bugs to clean up. Thankfully, a couple hotfixes have been released and the high priority issues have been resolved. Most importantly, a server patch was released yesterday which has fixed some long-standing performance issues…

Server performance improvements

For the past couple weeks, server owners have been experiencing bouts of low server FPS, becoming more common and longer lasting as entity counts rise. After a couple code changes, it appears Garry has distinguished and fixed the issue causing luls in performance. We’ve been running for about 24 hours and have not dipped below 100 FPS on the server side (awesome!).

Exterior wall progress

Still needing some work, the high exterior walls didn’t quite make it into the update. Yesterday, the initial model made it in. Here’s a look:

Other fixes:

  • Inability to craft certain steam market items
  • Admins no longer have male heads floating on a female body
  • Deployable placement issues
  • Foundation step placement issues
  • Pink mouths

Gone next week

I'm heading to the beach for a couple days next week so don't expect update posts Monday through Wednesday. I’ll be back Thursday for the live update stream.