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Building Upgrades, Foundation Steps and F2 menu changes

9/25 @2:25pm EST - The client update just came out. The server has been updated and restarted. This update comes with a fresh wipe of the map and new map seed.

9/25@3:55pm EST - A new client update just came out which is forcing another server update. Lets see if some of this stuff is fixed.

9/25@4:05pm EST - Just tested out the building on the new update, its drastically improved, writing some info on it now.

Upgradable walls are in!

Update: I added a more indepth guide to upgrading walls in Rust Experimental.

It is still rough but you can upgrade walls now. Here's how it works so far:

  • Keep hitting your building pieces with the hammer. The part will build and then start changing colors as you upgrade it more.
  • There are 5 levels of upgrade some requiring different materials:
    • Level 1 - Normal Texture - Wood
    • Level 2 - Red - Wood
    • Level 3 - Yellow - Stones
    • Level 4 - Green - Stones
    • Level 5 - Blue - Metal Frags
  • Doors can be upgraded but they don't change color.
  • These colors are of course placeholders till the actual art gets implemented. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of colorful houses over the next several days!
  • Placing items like furnaces or boxes on upgraded foundations causes them to be placed through the foundation. This is a bug they just fixed with the triangle foundation and I'm sure will be a quick fix with these too. Edit: the last update appears to have fixed this.

Guns are bugged out

Aiming down the barrel of a gun causes field of vision to go nuts. Firing a shot pushes your FOV back by a couple feet also. The only fix is to disconnect (client.disconnect) and reconnect to the server. See more at the bug report here.

Console Command changes

Andre has modified the syntax for a couple console commands, namely:
client.fov is now graphics.fov and client.farclip is now graphics.drawdistance

I've updated this in the useful console commands guide. Note, as of todays update, graphics.fov does not work. There has been a bug posted here. Fixed in 9/26 client update.

Foundation Steps

Ever make the unfortunate architectural choice of placing the entrance to your house on uneven ground, resulting in the need to jump into your humble abode each time? Never fear, Garry is here with some foundation steps (think ramps in legacy).

No more personal airdrops

Ever been running around at night and all the sudden you hear a plane and see flashy lights bouncing off the trees? This should be fixed now with Andres latest update to the event engine. Looks like events were being spawned on the client side instead of just the server side. This should now be fixed so the only planes you should hear or see will be flying high over head instead of on the shore somewhere.

F2 Menu changes

We have two new members of the F2 family joining us today: draw distance and pvt. I’m really happy to see PVT in there because, when enabled, it can cause crippling FPS drops for certain clients.

It also looks like Andre has fixed some inconsistencies with the F2 menu. You may have noticed by default motion blur was off, however, it was still on and you had to toggle it once to turn off. It looks to be on by default now (and selected as such) and we should see less issues like this going forward on the F2 menu

Tree gathering amounts

Since early Monday, the amount of wood you get per hit from trees started varying greatly. Tree's up north appear to be giving upwards of 100 wood per click while trees down south have only been giving 1 wood per hit. I'm all for some variation but this seems a little extreme.  This appears to no longer be an issue on this update.

Bolt action improvements

The bolt action got some improvements this update. Along with some new textures, it is much easier to see when aiming down the sight now! The firing sound doesn't work anymore and there is a new sound for cocking the gun.

Edit - with the latest update, aiming is broken with the bolt. Looking down the sight causes FOV to go crazy... I'd avoid the bolt till this is fixed.

New Icons

The torch and bone knife both have new icons.

That's all for now, I'll update as more things progress!